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Ẃebbrowser-Freeze #7729

Open thebigalwisi opened 2 years ago

thebigalwisi commented 2 years ago

The browserwindow (firefox and chromium) is freezing when I start to annotate a webpage (min 3 different tried). A bug!?

robertknight commented 2 years ago

What is the URL of the page you are trying to annotate?

thebigalwisi commented 2 years ago

For example www.spiegel.de and www.golem.de

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago


robertknight commented 1 year ago

Are you using the browser extension to annotate or the proxy service at https://via.hypothes.is?

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago

Hi, I tried it in different ways (paste a link, chrome plugin, firefox unofficial plugin) most the same result. Some of these pages have a coockie popup in normal case. If I try to open a annotated page with a link, I can't see the popup and the view freese after 1-2 seconds.

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago

Hi @robertknight, is there some development? I still have this problem.

acelaya commented 1 year ago

If I try to open a annotated page with a link, I can't see the popup and the view freese after 1-2 seconds.

Can you share some of the links in which you are experiencing this?

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago

Hi @acelaya

here ist a example group and here a link with the expected behaviour.

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago

Something new here?

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago

What I noticed: if I open my link "Visit annotation in context", I get the mentioned freeze of the page. If I delete "https://via.hypothes.is/" from the URL, everything is OK. Ideas?

robertknight commented 1 year ago

Can you paste the "Visit annotation in context" link you are using here, as well as details of the browser you are using. There might be an issue with the Via proxy server on the particular site you are annotating. The Via proxy server is used as a fallback if you do not have the Hypothesis browser extension installed.

thebigalwisi commented 1 year ago

Hi @robertknight ,

here is the Link

When I go through the link, the banner cannot be fully loaded with the consent of cookie processing and so I cannot consent to that either, see screenshot. It is different if I only call up the page, e.g. by deleting https://via.hypothes.is/ before the actual URL.

Screenshot from 2023-10-11 15-01-48

What information do you need about the browser? It is actual Firefox 118.0.1 (64bit).

robertknight commented 1 year ago

OK, so my understanding is that the web page is not "freezing" as in becoming unresponsive, but the cookie banner doesn't work when visiting the page through the https://via.hypothes.is/ proxy server. If I visit eg. https://www.golem.de/news/gegen-drohnen-kawasaki-stellt-mobile-laserwaffe-vor-2303-173090.html directly in Firefox and click through the consent banner / paywall, then I am able to annotate. Does that match what you are seeing?

Playing around locally I note that the site doesn't serve the cookie consent banner if I pretend to be a search engine by adjusting the User-Agent. So I guess that is a mitigation we could deploy for some sites.