hyunsooseol / snowCluster

This module allows users to analyze k-means & hierarchical clustering, and visualize results of Principal Component, Correspondence Analysis, Discriminant analysis, Decision tree, Multidimensional scaling, Multiple Factor Analysis, Machine learning, and Prophet analysis.
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Saving cluster membership as nominal #2

Closed pa0 closed 3 years ago

pa0 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the package! It makes my life so much easier :-) When saving a cluster membership, is it possible to specify that the new variable should be of type Nominal, not Continuous? A variable of type Continous cannot be used to split in exploratory analysis.

hyunsooseol commented 3 years ago

You can copy a cluster membership column clicking mouse button and just paste it to the next column. Cheers Seol

pa0 commented 3 years ago

Thank You for this solution. The better way is to prepare transformation with the nominal variable as an effect, but both ways are making the database a little messy, and require extra effort. Of course, if setting the level of cluster membership isn't possible then close this issue, but I hope You can improve this :-)

hyunsooseol commented 3 years ago

I fixed it right before. Would you update snowCluster module in the jamovi library tomorrow?

Cheers Seol

lillemets commented 3 years ago

I have a related issue. For the life of me, I can not figure out how to save the cluster as a new variable in data. I can not find any checkboxes that would allow me to do this (as with some other procedures). I'm using the latest version of Jamovi and snowCluster.

hyunsooseol commented 3 years ago

Hi lillemets

If you are trying to run hierarchical clustering method, You will find "cluster option" in the hierarchical dendrogram shown below[ 이미지 1

lillemets commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure how could I have missed that. It's there and also so for the K-means method. However, the "Hierarchical clustering method" does not have this option. I think it would also make sense to add it there.

hyunsooseol commented 3 years ago

Hi lillemets

You can obtain same results for "Hierarchical clustering method".