i18next / i18next-parser

Parse your code to extract translation keys/values and manage your catalog files
MIT License
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CLI Exceeding call stack #991

Open justinhippo opened 3 months ago

justinhippo commented 3 months ago

🐛 Bug Report

After freshly installing i18next-parser with npm i -g i18next-parser and setting up a configuration file, running the CLI gives

i18next "src/**/*.{js, jsx, ts, tsx}"

  i18next Parser
  Input:  src/**/*.{js, jsx, ts, tsx}
  Output: public/locales/$LOCALE/$NAMESPACE.json

    return (testString, ri = false) => {

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at /home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/anymatch/index.js:94:12
    at EventEmitter.onPath (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/glob-stream/index.js:270:20)
    at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:518:28)
    at processDirents (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/glob-stream/index.js:88:10)
    at next (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/now-and-later/lib/mapSeries.js:43:5)
    at handler (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/now-and-later/lib/mapSeries.js:57:9)
    at f (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/once/once.js:25:25)
    at processDirents (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/glob-stream/index.js:113:7)
    at next (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/now-and-later/lib/mapSeries.js:43:5)
    at handler (/home/justin/.nvm/versions/node/v20.12.0/lib/node_modules/i18next-parser/node_modules/now-and-later/lib/mapSeries.js:57:9)

Node.js v20.12.0

To Reproduce

A minimal reproducible example. A codesandbox example or similar or at least steps to reproduce the behavior: i18next-parser.config.js

module.exports = {
  contextSeparator: '_',
  // Key separator used in your translation keys

  createOldCatalogs: true,
  // Save the \_old files

  defaultNamespace: 'translation',
  // Default namespace used in your i18next config

  defaultValue: (loc, ns, key) => (loc === 'en' ? key : '__NOT_TRANSLATED__'),
  // Default value to give to keys with no value
  // You may also specify a function accepting the locale, namespace, key, and value as arguments

  indentation: 2,
  // Indentation of the catalog files

  keepRemoved: true,
  // Keep keys from the catalog that are no longer in code
  // You may either specify a boolean to keep or discard all removed keys.
  // You may also specify an array of patterns: the keys from the catalog that are no long in the code but match one of the patterns will be kept.
  // The patterns are applied to the full key including the namespace, the parent keys and the separators.

  keySeparator: false,
  // Key separator used in your translation keys
  // If you want to use plain english keys, separators such as `.` and `:` will conflict. You might want to set `keySeparator: false` and `namespaceSeparator: false`. That way, `t('Status: Loading...')` will not think that there are a namespace and three separator dots for instance.

  // see below for more details
  lexers: {
    js: ['JavascriptLexer'], // if you're writing jsx inside .js files, change this to JsxLexer
    ts: ['JavascriptLexer'],
    jsx: ['JsxLexer'],
    tsx: ['JsxLexer'],

    default: ['JavascriptLexer'],

  lineEnding: 'auto',
  // Control the line ending. See options at https://github.com/ryanve/eol

  locales: ['en'],
  // An array of the locales in your applications

  namespaceSeparator: false,
  // Namespace separator used in your translation keys
  // If you want to use plain english keys, separators such as `.` and `:` will conflict. You might want to set `keySeparator: false` and `namespaceSeparator: false`. That way, `t('Status: Loading...')` will not think that there are a namespace and three separator dots for instance.

  output: 'public/locales/$LOCALE/$NAMESPACE.json',
  // Supports $LOCALE and $NAMESPACE injection
  // Supports JSON (.json) and YAML (.yml) file formats
  // Where to write the locale files relative to process.cwd()

  pluralSeparator: '_',
  // Plural separator used in your translation keys
  // If you want to use plain english keys, separators such as `_` might conflict. You might want to set `pluralSeparator` to a different string that does not occur in your keys.
  // If you don't want to generate keys for plurals (for example, in case you are using ICU format), set `pluralSeparator: false`.

  input: ['src/**/*.{js, jsx, ts, tsx}'],
  // An array of globs that describe where to look for source files
  // relative to the location of the configuration file

  sort: false,
  // Whether or not to sort the catalog. Can also be a [compareFunction](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#parameters)

  verbose: true,
  // Display info about the parsing including some stats

  failOnWarnings: false,
  // Exit with an exit code of 1 on warnings

  failOnUpdate: false,
  // Exit with an exit code of 1 when translations are updated (for CI purpose)

  i18nextOptions: { compatibilityJSON: 'v3' },
  // If you wish to customize options in internally used i18next instance, you can define an object with any
  // configuration property supported by i18next (https://www.i18next.com/overview/configuration-options).
  // { compatibilityJSON: 'v3' } can be used to generate v3 compatible plurals.
npm i -g i18next-parser
i18next "src/**/*.{js, jsx, ts, tsx}" 

Expected behavior

i18next-parser runs

Your Environment

sun-rhythms commented 3 months ago

Have same issue :(

abutkeev commented 3 months ago

npm i -D 'glob-stream@<8.0.1’ fix this problem for me

megastep commented 3 months ago

Having the same issue, but yeah it appears a security fix update to the glob-stream package broke this.

Porok12 commented 3 months ago

I spend over hour debugging, and ended up installing i18next-parser in version 7.9.0

genox commented 2 months ago

Same issue here. Downgrade resolved it.

joshhunt commented 2 months ago

FYI - glob-stream 8.0.2 fixes this. If you're using yarn, you can update it with yarn up glob-stream --recursive. I'm not sure how to update transitive dependencies with other package managers...