iCepa / Tor.framework

Tor framework for the iCepa project
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Question: current state of iCepa project and Tor.framework for integration to iOS app #54

Closed ealymbaev closed 4 years ago

ealymbaev commented 4 years ago

Hi, iCepa team,

I am looking for a solution in order to use Tor network in my iOS app (crypto wallet) and have faced iCepa project. I have also read the following article:

It has already been 2 years from that time and I see that only iCepa/Tor.framework is being developed actively. What about other repos (iCepa, tun2tor)? Are you planning to develop and support them as well?

Also I have tried to run iCepa example app, but unfortunately have faced the already reported issue:

So the main question is - is there any complete and working solution for integrating Tor into iOS app? I guess that Tor.framework is being actively developed for OnionBrowser, then how it is used in iOS app?

tladesignz commented 4 years ago

iCepa was a first shot at packaging Tor inside a network extension. As long as you don't plan to provide an app which provides Tor as a system-wide "VPN" for iOS, you're wrong here.

But if you do, I very much urge you to share your insights, as I'm currently stuck again with this... Here is my latest effort:

tun2tor is buggy, and there's currently no one who has time and understands the Rust code enough to fix it. Again, you would only need it if you'd plan to create a Tor Network Extension.

If you just want to run Tor inside your app, Onion Browser is the app you should look at. Most important class, which shows how to configure and use Tor.framework:

If you need Tor to capture traffic of a UIWebView, you're going to need to dive deeper and get yourself acquainted with everything in here:

If you just want to tunnel REST API requests via Tor, you just need to get a Tor-enabled URLSession like shown in the docs of Tor.framework:

Hope, that helps!

ealymbaev commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your reply. Everything seems to be getting clear now.

I don't plan to use Tor as a system-wide "VPN" for iOS, I need Tor inside my app only, so network extension and tun2tor are not what I need.

I have researched your implementation of Onion Browser and see that you are registering class to NSURLProtocol in order to capture URLRequest and add some kind of proxy to it. I guess you did it in order to catch the traffic from UIWebView and it is correct for your needs, as you are making a Web Browser. This option is not suitable for my task, because in my app I do make regular HTTP requests and socket connections.

So let's get back to Tor.framework. I see that TorController can provide URLSessionConfiguration that can be used for my HTTP requests. No questions here.

But what about socket connections and GRPC requests? In our app we have the following socket connection:

CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost(kCFAllocatorDefault, host as CFString, port, &readStream, &writeStream)
inputStream = readStream!.takeUnretainedValue()
outputStream = writeStream!.takeUnretainedValue()

As you may see, it uses CFStream and I cannot apply URLSessionConfiguration here. I guess that GRPC also uses CFStream.

tladesignz commented 4 years ago

Uuuuh-oooh. You want to use the very low level CoreFoundation networking code.

See, iOS has a huge stack of networking libraries, URLSession being one of the newer parts.

I can't help you a lot with that, but there are older versions of Onion Browser, where we used code which worked on the CoreFoundation level.

Have a look at this:

chrisballinger commented 4 years ago

@ealymbaev You can't use UIWebView for new apps, so keep that in mind.

For lower level SOCKS proxying over Tor, you might want to check out:

DanGould commented 4 years ago

Second to do similar as @ealymbaev. As far as I know, Casa's mobile app wallet and use Tor.framework to connect to a user's Bitcoin core node.

What I'd really like to do is consume this framework with Xamarin as a Native binding. But I haven't been able to get this repo's unit tests, rewritten in c# which consume Tor.framework as a fat binary wrapped in a binding library, to pass. For some reason the control_auth_cookie isn't being written anywhere I can find in the simulator data. Should I be using LLDB or something similar to see what's happening once called inside the binary?

ealymbaev commented 4 years ago

@DanGould I could not find source code for Casa's mobile app, but I have reviewed FullyNoded app source code. And I see that they use Tor.framework for making RPC calls, saying they use the same NSURLSession, not socket connection.

@tladesignz writing our own "low-level" implementation for Tor would be quite difficult and time-consuming, so it is not an option for now.

@chrisballinger that repo was last updated like 3 years ago, and also quite low-level for us.

So it seems like Tor support for CFStream (socket connection) has not been implemented yet.

tladesignz commented 4 years ago

For some reason the control_auth_cookie isn't being written anywhere I can find in the simulator data. Should I be using LLDB or something similar to see what's happening once called inside the binary?

@DanGould, you define where that is written to. See and

tladesignz commented 4 years ago

@tladesignz writing our own "low-level" implementation for Tor would be quite difficult and time-consuming, so it is not an option for now.

So it seems like Tor support for CFStream (socket connection) has not been implemented yet.

I'm sorry, until now I could avoid tackling CoreFoundation networking stuff. Happy to do it, though, if you want to fund the Guardian Project for it. :-)

esengulov commented 4 years ago

@tladesignz writing our own "low-level" implementation for Tor would be quite difficult and time-consuming, so it is not an option for now. So it seems like Tor support for CFStream (socket connection) has not been implemented yet.

I'm sorry, until now I could avoid tackling CoreFoundation networking stuff. Happy to do it, though, if you want to fund the Guardian Project for it. :-)

Sounds interesting, what kind of funding/timeframe are we looking at? :)

tladesignz commented 4 years ago

Sounds interesting, what kind of funding/timeframe are we looking at? :)

Well, the easiest way is to fund hours to work on this.

Without looking into it, I guess this should take something between 10 and 100 hours, depending on the problems we encounter and the final scope.

I suggest meetings once per week or something, so you have a good idea of where we're standing. You can stop anytime, if you're dissatisfied or it turns out, that for some reason it will be infeasible.

If you want something more nailed down, you can have that, but please understand that all work has to be paid in the end, so it will not become cheaper, effectively.

Regarding time, I guess I can work at least a day per week on this, currently, maybe more. Depends on your timeframe and other projects.

esengulov commented 4 years ago

Sounds interesting, what kind of funding/timeframe are we looking at? :)

Well, the easiest way is to fund hours to work on this.

Without looking into it, I guess this should take something between 10 and 100 hours, depending on the problems we encounter and the final scope.

I suggest meetings once per week or something, so you have a good idea of where we're standing. You can stop anytime, if you're dissatisfied or it turns out, that for some reason it will be infeasible.

If you want something more nailed down, you can have that, but please understand that all work has to be paid in the end, so it will not become cheaper, effectively.

Regarding time, I guess I can work at least a day per week on this, currently, maybe more. Depends on your timeframe and other projects.

Thanks, the terms are good enough. We are currently implementing full tor networking in android version of the decentralized app we are building. It doesn't seem to have the issues that we have stumbled upon on iOS.

We expect to have it finished in the next couple of weeks. if there are no issues on Android side getting it on iOS will become a priority. Will followup, thank you for your time.

tladesignz commented 4 years ago

Will followup, thank you for your time.


tladesignz commented 4 years ago

Since there was no activity for over a month, I'll close this. I just released a new version containing the latest Tor version. You might want to check it out!