Lately the icons for nodes in the Photos library are often missing. Reloading helps.
This appears to be a bug in the Media Library framework. The -[MLMediaGroup iconImage] accessor appears to notify IMBAppleMediaLibraryPropertySynchronizer before the value is actually available.
Pausing in the debugger makes the problem disappear. This seems to give the MediaLibrary framework time to complete loading.
Pausing the parser using sleep() also improves the situation. E.g. adding this:
// FUGLY hack to give iconImage a better chance to load
if (parentGroup.parent == nil)
// FUGLY hack to give iconImage a better chance to load
at IMBAppleMediaLibraryParser.m:170 greatly improves the chance to get group icons.
Is anybody else observing this issue? This is on 10.13.5.
Lately the icons for nodes in the Photos library are often missing. Reloading helps.
This appears to be a bug in the Media Library framework. The -[MLMediaGroup iconImage] accessor appears to notify IMBAppleMediaLibraryPropertySynchronizer before the value is actually available.
Pausing in the debugger makes the problem disappear. This seems to give the MediaLibrary framework time to complete loading.
Pausing the parser using sleep() also improves the situation. E.g. adding this:
at IMBAppleMediaLibraryParser.m:170 greatly improves the chance to get group icons.
Is anybody else observing this issue? This is on 10.13.5.