...est display name for an item. This has the unwanted effect of referring to a non-existant path and thus robbing it of its ability to apply any smarts such that e.g. a folder that could be mistaken for having a file extension does not have its name truncated unexpectedly. For example, this fixes a bug in which a folder called "10.10.2 Screenshots" would be displayed by iMedia as "10.10", the "2 Screenshots" having been dutifully removed before asking NSFileManager for a suitable display name.
...est display name for an item. This has the unwanted effect of referring to a non-existant path and thus robbing it of its ability to apply any smarts such that e.g. a folder that could be mistaken for having a file extension does not have its name truncated unexpectedly. For example, this fixes a bug in which a folder called "10.10.2 Screenshots" would be displayed by iMedia as "10.10", the "2 Screenshots" having been dutifully removed before asking NSFileManager for a suitable display name.