iTXTech / Nemisys

The Java implementation of standard Synapse Proxy Protocol.
GNU General Public License v3.0
44 stars 44 forks source link

Windows? #114

Closed remotevase closed 7 years ago

remotevase commented 7 years ago

Does Nemisys work on Windows Machines? (Windows 7)

Matthww commented 7 years ago

Can you run java applications on windows?

MattWAnderson commented 7 years ago


remotevase commented 7 years ago

yes, but when I do, it creates a window with the nemisys title, and it quickly stops responding. The screen also fills up with tons of strange information... It doesnt seem to work...

Matthww commented 7 years ago

What java version are you running?

remotevase commented 7 years ago

8.1 SDK

Matthww commented 7 years ago

The screen also fills up with tons of strange information...

Can you share this information which is maybe important...

remotevase commented 7 years ago

I do not want to start up the program again and crash the machine again... But i will tell you what it is. The title of the program is "Nemisys _ Load_ Memory players ___" something like that. It kept on repeating that over and over again, but updating it based on how much load it was, and how much memory it used...

remotevase commented 7 years ago

Bump, someone please?

MattWAnderson commented 7 years ago

Sounds like a bad compile, I could offer a compiled JAR or a remote session if interested to have a look.

remotevase commented 7 years ago

I used the latest one from here:

remotevase commented 7 years ago

I extraced that jar, then used this start.cmd file:

@echo off
java -jar nemisys.jar
MattWAnderson commented 7 years ago

email me at

remotevase commented 7 years ago

Okay, thanks. I will also upload screenshots here.

remotevase commented 7 years ago

Starts normally: image

Then in a few seconds: image

Java version: image

remotevase commented 7 years ago

In the first screenshot, you can start to see the spammy grey text that you see in the second picture.

JackNoordhuis commented 7 years ago

Looks like you've got some sort of debug enabled @remotevase

remotevase commented 7 years ago

How would I fix this?

SupremeMortal commented 7 years ago

It's not debug enabled. The text should be in the title of the windows however it is being printed in the console and because the title is constantly updated with the information, it's being spammed in the console. The server should theoretically still work fine.

MrPowerGamerBR commented 7 years ago

@SupremeMortal Nukkit has the same issue (well, now it doesn't since I made a pull request to disable titleTick()), titleTick() randomly starts printing the title message in the console.

SupremeMortal commented 7 years ago

Should be disabled for now since a native library is needed to interact with the title in a command line window.

MrPowerGamerBR commented 7 years ago

@SupremeMortal in this case: Jansi.

I updated some libraries in Nukkit (JLine and improved Nukkit's command line by adding TAB complete) and then it started happening, then I sent a pull request to disable titleTick() while I can't find a solution. (And... well, who needs that title thingy?, it is more like an hack (because it uses ANSI characters to change the title) than a proper feature)