iamcco / coc-flutter

flutter support for (Neo)vim
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On windows and coc-flutter not working #138

Closed anuDominic closed 3 years ago

anuDominic commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug I had faced a similar issue on windows -#123. It was fixed then. I recently reinstalled all the nvim setup.And facing the same issue.Could you please check

A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Code action and error detecting is not working

Desktop (please complete the following information):

OS: Windows 10 Vim or Neovim:NeoVim (Neo)vim version:0.5.0

Output channel:

  1. Set "flutter.trace.server": "verbose"
  2. Restart coc using :CocRestart
  3. Reproduce the issue
  4. :CocCommand workspace.showOutput open output list and select flutter

Paste Log from above:

[dev-command]: register dev command [sdk]: No local fvm sdk [sdk]: which flutter command => C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\bin\flutter.BAT [sdk]: C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\version => 2.5.0 [sdk]: searchPaths: ~/snap/flutter/common/flutter [sdk]: flutter command path => C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\bin\flutter.bat [sdk]: dart sdk home => C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk [sdk]: analyzer path => C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\snapshots\analysis_server.dart.snapshot [sdk]: dart command path => C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe [fs]: executing command C:\Users\jithu\Documents\flutter\bin\cache\dart-sdk\bin\dart.exe --version [sdk]: dart version: v2.14.0 [lsp-server]: rightVersion true [lsp-server]: analysis server ready! [lsp-closing-labels]: register closing labels [daemon]: got message: { "event": "daemon.connected", "params": { "version": "0.6.1", "pid": 7604 } } [daemon]: got message: { "event": "daemon.logMessage", "params": { "level": "status", "message": "Starting device daemon..." } } [daemon]: got message: { "id": 1 } [daemon]: Message without event [daemon]: got message: { "event": "device.added", "params": { "id": "chrome", "name": "Chrome", "platform": "web-javascript", "emulator": false, "category": "web", "platformType": "web", "ephemeral": false, "emulatorId": null } } [daemon]: New device: Chrome [daemon]: got message: { "event": "device.added", "params": { "id": "edge", "name": "Edge", "platform": "web-javascript", "emulator": false, "category": "web", "platformType": "web", "ephemeral": false, "emulatorId": null } } [daemon]: New device: Edge