Open JonathanLorimer opened 1 year ago
for example, I think this works:
bracketErrorIO :: IO a -> (Maybe SomeException -> a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracketErrorIO before after thing = EUnsafe.mask $ \restore -> do
x <- before
res1 <- EUnsafe.try $ restore $ thing x
case res1 of
Left (e1 :: SomeException) -> do
-- explicitly ignore exceptions from after. We know that
-- no async exceptions were thrown there, so therefore
-- the stronger exception must come from thing
_ :: Either SomeException b <-
EUnsafe.try $ EUnsafe.uninterruptibleMask_ $ after (Just e1) x
EUnsafe.throwIO e1
Right y -> do
_ <- EUnsafe.uninterruptibleMask_ $ after Nothing x
return y
This is probably a good overview on the tradeoffs around catching errors for various monads:
if you know [...] (that you) want compile time guarantees about the correctness of your code vis-a-vis monadic state, use MonadUnliftIO.
This is a particularly important principal for observability tooling– the presence of of tracing should not affect the semantics of the code that's being instrumented. Therefore, we go with the most conservative option for what the library supports by default. If you don't particularly care about maintaining those semantics in your situation, you could use the exceptions
-package based implementation provided here:
However, there are often ways to make it work for your situation, even with MonadUnliftIO
Say you're working with ExceptT, for example:
getUser :: MonadIO m => ExceptT HttpResponse m User
getUser = do
thing1 <- foo
thing2 <- bar
thing3 <- baz
pure $ constructUser thing1 thing2 thing3
within liftIO
if you are able ...
thing2 <- liftIO $ inSpan "bar" bar
into one that handles exceptions better. This is a bit of code I use when I use servant
to avoid the overhead of ExceptT
and support a MonadUnliftIO
instance, as an example:-- natural transformation
nt :: AppState -> AppM a -> Handler a
nt s x = Handler $ ExceptT $ catch (Right <$> runAppM s x) $ \(e :: ServerError) -> pure $ Left e
based OTel instrumentation I mentioned above. Likely the easiest drop in solution, but with the caveat that it can be subtly wrong in some cases if you don't pay close attention to the semantics of your monad transformer stack.Oh this is great. I actually ended up implementing exactly the exceptions solution, but I think the natural transformation is the one I want (and I happen to be using servant).
I do think there's value in providing a class (Monad m) => MonadSpan m where inSpan :: (span arguments) -> m a -> m a
, even if that ends up being implemented as something else.
I am working on an app where the monad doesn't support unliftio. I would like to understand why inSpan requires UnliftIO? It seems like it is just in the
function. It would be great to provide an inSpan function that doesn't require this constraint, but I am not sure where to start.