iarsystems / cmake-tutorial

Build and test embedded software using the IAR C/C++ Compiler alongside CMake
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When I use --preinclude cmake reports an error. #32

Closed cnwzhu closed 11 months ago

cnwzhu commented 11 months ago

When I use --preinclude cmake reports an error. The header file I preinclude has dependencies on other header files that can't be found.

my cmake config

` include_directories( ${TOOLKIT}/lib Source/FreeRTOS/include Source/FreeRTOS/portable/IAR/ARM_CM0 Source/McuDrivers/inc Source/RfDrivers Source/CMSIS Source/UserCode )

target_compile_options(XXX PRIVATE $<$:--dlib_config normal> --cpu Cortex-M0+ --preinclude "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/UserCode/UserConfig.h" )

` cmake output

` -- The ASM compiler identification is unknown -- Found assembler: C:/Program Files/IAR Systems/Embedded Workbench 9.2/arm/bin/iccarm.exe -- Warning: Did not find file Compiler/-ASM -- Configuring done (1.1s) -- Generating done (0.0s) -- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/wang-/Desktop/App_Plc/cmake-build-debug

Cannot get compiler information: Failed to run compiler:

include "hc32l19x.h"

"C:\Users\wang-\Desktop\XX\Source\UserCode\UserConfig.h",72  Fatal error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "hc32l19x.h"
            searched: "C:\Users\wang-\Desktop\App_Plc\Source\UserCode\"
            searched: "C:\Users\wang-\Desktop\App_Plc\cmake-build-debug"
            searched: " /lib"
            searched: "C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 9.2\arm\inc\c\aarch32\"
            searched: "C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 9.2\arm\inc\"
            searched: "C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 9.2\arm\inc\c\"
            current directory: "C:\Users\wang-\Desktop\App_Plc\cmake-build-debug"
Fatal error detected, aborting.

felipe-iar commented 11 months ago

Yes. By just looking at what you shared here, it seems it cannot find the hc32l19x.h header file included by the preincluded UserConfig.h. This means that the --preinclude seems to be working correctly. Perhaps what is missing is to check where the hc32l19x.h header file comes from. This header is not supplied by IAR.

cnwzhu commented 11 months ago

image But, Actually hc32l19x.h is in Source/CMSIS

felipe-iar commented 11 months ago

Thanks for providing further details. Now this is strange. Your project should be working with CMake the way you intend to. Look at this: it works for me on a very similar scenario in which I tried to replicate your project structure (and requirements) when using the IAR C/C++ Compiler for Arm V9.40.2...



target_sources(XXX PRIVATE main.c)

target_include_directories(XXX PRIVATE Source/CMSIS Source/UserCode)

target_compile_options(XXX PRIVATE --no_wrap_diagnostics --cpu=Cortex-M0+ --preinclude ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/UserCode/UserConfig.h)

* `XXX/Source/UserCode/UserConfig.h`:
#include "hc32l19x.h"

int main() { return MACRO; }

* Configure

felipe-iar@iar ~/XXX $ cmake -Bbuild -GNinja --toolchain iar-toolchain.cmake -- The C compiler identification is IAR ARM 9.40.2 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /opt/iarsystems/bxarm/arm/bin/iccarm - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Configuring done (2.2s) -- Generating done (0.0s) -- Build files have been written to: /home/felipe-iar/XXX/build

* Build

felipe-iar@iar ~/XXX $ cmake --build build --verbose Change Dir: '/home/felipe-iar/XXX/build'

Run Build Command(s): /usr/bin/ninja -v [1/2] /opt/iarsystems/bxarm/arm/bin/iccarm --silent /home/felipe-iar/XXX/main.c -I/home/felipe-iar/XXX/Source/CMSIS -I/home/felipe-iar/XXX/Source/UserCode -e --no_wrap_diagnostics --cpu=Cortex-M0+ --preinclude /home/felipe-iar/XXX/Source/UserCode/UserConfig.h --dependencies=ns CMakeFiles/XXX.dir/main.o.d -o CMakeFiles/XXX.dir/main.o [2/2] : && /opt/iarsystems/bxarm-9.40.2/arm/bin/ilinkarm CMakeFiles/XXX.dir/main.o --silent -o XXX.elf && :

felipe-iar commented 11 months ago

A word of caution though about for specifying --preinclude. The flag works for C and CXX but if the target uses ASM sources, it is a different flag for the IAR Assembler (-P). Example:

# etc...
target_compile_options(XXX PRIVATE
   $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:ASM>:-P> ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Source/UserCode/UserConfig.h)

The Genex above will use the appropriate flag depending on each source file to be built, based on the language, specified by their extension.

cnwzhu commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your reply. I got through by executing the following command

cmake -Bcmake-build-debug -GNinja --toolchain iar-toolchain.cmake

But the other command still gives an error

cmake --build .\cmake-build-debug\ --verbose                     

The error is

"C:\PROGRA~1\IARSYS~1\EMBEDD~1.2\arm\inc\c\assert.h",52  Error[Pe077]: this
          declaration has no storage class or type specifier

    __ATTRIBUTES void __iar_EmptyStepPoint(void);
"C:\PROGRA~1\IARSYS~1\EMBEDD~1.2\arm\inc\c\assert.h",53  Error[Pe065]: expected
          a ";"

      AdcMskTrigPC15       =  1u<<31,      
"C:\Users\wang-\Desktop\App_Plc\Source\McuDrivers\inc\adc.h",237  Warning[Pe068]:
          integer conversion resulted in a change of sign

      AdcMskTrigPC15       =  1u<<31,       
"C:\Users\wang-\Desktop\App_Plc\Source\McuDrivers\inc\adc.h",237  Warning[Pe066]:
          enumeration value is out of "int" range
felipe-iar commented 11 months ago

Hard to tell without going into the project’s details. It might require the compiler's extended keywords support enabled, it might be something else requiring a deeper investigation. In either way, this issue tracker is specific for the cmake-tutorial tutorial and, in fact, it is not a general support forum. For technical support use https://www.iar.com/knowledge/support/request-technical-support/