ibm-frontend / gatsby-carbon-starter

Carbon starter theme for Gatsby
MIT License
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Add carbon components react, sass, themes and update gatsby dependancies #20

Closed vpicone closed 5 years ago

vpicone commented 5 years ago

resolves #3 resolves #9

What is this

This update includes the unopinionated default plugins provided by the default gatsby starter as well as the following features.

  1. Carbon Components React
  2. The new @carbon/themes package from Carbon Design@next
  3. Sass integrations to allow for theming


This kit uses the core gatsby plugins with the minimum tooling required to use themed Carbon. That way, it requires minimal modifications to fit the user's design goals or styling preferences.




vpicone commented 5 years ago

I hardly ever use sass so someone might want to check if I made any faux-pas in the _themes.scss

I assigned the green pallet to css-variables so we could use them in the APP without using sass outside of the layout component

vpicone commented 5 years ago

@alisonjoseph Thanks for taking a look! I think keeping default tools to a core, essential, set makes the onboarding experience and maintenance of the project much more simple. Users could add the mdx plugin in a few lines if they wanted to use the starter as a blog. I definitely think docs that show how to incorporate more opinionated dependancies with carbon components would be a great addition.

Also, thanks for the theming info! I was just trying to use a new color swatch with the carbon-components-react library. I'm definitely open to other solutions than the naive one I ended up with.

kellychurchill commented 5 years ago

We definitely want to incorporate v10

Bare bones install could be fine but we should establish the criteria for what we would want to include in a Gatsby Carbon starter that we want to submit to Gatsby starter projects.

vpicone commented 5 years ago

From my experience, gatsby starters either fall into a standard app/site build or a blog build. The site build seemed most in line with the fed@ibm design goals.

But I agree, I think guides demonstrating addition of more opinionated dependencies combined with carbon would be the way to go.

kellychurchill commented 5 years ago

Alison and I chatted a little bit after FEDucation.

Since the goal of the Gatsby Carbon starter is to get a starter ready to submit to Gatsby, let’s keep as much of the mdx packages and and features in. Alison and I had selected that starter because we felt it was a good starter and the work to be done would be to make it into a Carbon starter. What you did here would be a good start for the FED website however so I don’t want to lose that.

I think what would be a good idea is to create a new repo with the version in your PR.

vpicone commented 5 years ago

Gonna close this since I think we're looking for a more opinionated starter.