icecc / icemon

Icecream GUI Monitor
GNU General Public License v2.0
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a host with many clusters (networks that scheduler runs on) #31

Closed tcloaa closed 6 years ago

tcloaa commented 6 years ago

When I use icemon, it shows that clusters that I am not interested in (which is different from NETNAME in /etc/icecc/icecc.conf.

scheduler is on (net ICECREAM)

This scheduler isn't the one I wanna play with.

How can I change conf of icemon to focus the network that I am actually interested in?


krf commented 6 years ago

Two possibilities: You can set the netname via ...

a) command-line parameters, i.e. icemon -netname MY_NETNAME (since v3.1.0) b) environment variables, i.e.: USE_SCHEDULER=MY_NETNAME icemon

tcloaa commented 6 years ago

yeah, just can't find this information in any doc...
