icerockdev / moko-geo

Geolocation access for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Apache License 2.0
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Permission issue when start tracking location #40

Open darwineee opened 10 months ago

darwineee commented 10 months ago

Hi, I tried to do the same as construction in readme, and it shows the rationale dialog. My app already had Location permission but every time I tried to run LocationTracker.startTracking() it threw dev.icerock.moko.permissions.DeniedAlwaysException. I don't know why. Please help. Thank you. image

Alex009 commented 10 months ago

hi. maybe you not add geo permissions to AndroidManifest

darwineee commented 10 months ago

Thank you for the great library. I fixed it.

clauub commented 2 months ago

Hi @darwineee , what was the problem?

darwineee commented 2 months ago

Hi @darwineee , what was the problem? I missed the permission in android manifest