ices-eg / wg_WGDEC

ICES/NAFO Working Group on Deep-water Ecology (WGDEC)
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WGDEC-2021 QCrec: warning: MiddleLatitude / MiddleLongitude #35

Closed Osanna123 closed 3 weeks ago

Osanna123 commented 2 years ago

The MiddleLatitude (or Middle longitude) should be located between StartLatitude (or Start longitude) and EndLatitude (or End longitude). “You have submitted a record where the middle lat/long is not located between the start and end lat/long. Note that this happens with some ROV transects. Please check that you are happy with this submission.”

Osanna123 commented 1 year ago


Osanna123 commented 1 year ago

WGDEC to advise: are the conditions in filterIDs 1471, 1472, 1932, 1933 enough, or should the critical error be replaced by warning in 1471/1472?