icing / mod_h2

HTTP/2 module for Apache httpd
Apache License 2.0
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how to monitor h2 workers ? #159

Open catalindevops opened 6 years ago

catalindevops commented 6 years ago


I upgraded apache to 2.4.25 from debian 9 sources and enbled http2 and my monitoring tools shows that number of requests per second dropped from 250 rps to 40-50 rps. I'm using zabbix and netdata and both interrogate mod_status from apache . I read that http2 has his own workers which don't appear in mod status, so my question is if there something that i can use to monitor number of requests ? I presume that those 40-50 maybe are http 1.1 requests

Please help :(

icing commented 6 years ago

I guess, someone needs to implement that functionality then.

catalindevops commented 6 years ago

I know, what i don't understand is why when this module http2 was added, the status module was not modified to also monitor the h2workers or to offer some alternative to monitor the h2workers.

icing commented 6 years ago

If you'd had a time machine, that knowledge could be useful in changing the past, I agree.

icing commented 6 years ago

Looking forward: do you know which data exactly they screen-scrape from mod_status? Because I see h2 requests being reports on my 2.4 instance, as in:

Total accesses: 186990 - Total Traffic: 159.3 MB
CPU Usage: u19.44 s20.9 cu0 cs0 - 224% CPU load
10400 requests/sec - 8.9 MB/second - 893 B/request

(From a freshly started server running h2 load tests, no h1 requests)

So, can you specify exactly what you are missing? Otherwise, this might be more a question for zabbix or netdata?

catalindevops commented 6 years ago

This is strange because i'm try also to do a load test using h2load from nghttp2 and monitor apache status with apache2ctl status and my number of requests per seconds is not changing.

.......... Apache Server Status for localhost (via ::1)

Server Version: Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) OpenSSL/1.0.2l Server MPM: prefork Server Built: 2017-09-19T18:58:57

Current Time: Thursday, 03-May-2018 10:15:23 CEST Restart Time: Thursday, 03-May-2018 06:46:07 CEST Parent Server Config. Generation: 1 Parent Server MPM Generation: 0 Server uptime: 3 hours 29 minutes 16 seconds Server load: 16.73 11.57 6.52 Total accesses: 32747 - Total Traffic: 118.4 MB CPU Usage: u151.61 s46.76 cu0 cs0 - 1.58% CPU load 2.61 requests/sec - 9.7 kB/second - 3791 B/request 102 requests currently being processed, 8 idle workers

icing commented 6 years ago

Hmm, can you compile a recent 2.4.x release? Such as 2.4.33 or there are also supposed to be such packages in debian sid and there is an ubuntu ppa as well. Just want to exclude that we are not comparing apples and oranges.

catalindevops commented 6 years ago

With mod http2 enabled number of requests per second from apache2ctl status is not changing at all, but when i disabled the http2 module and restart apache, number of requests is changing, this is my behavior now

catalindevops commented 6 years ago

Ok, i will compile a new version and come back with a result