icra / ecam

Energy performance and Carbon emissions Assessment and Monitoring tool (Lluís Bosch, Lluís Corominas, IWA, Wacclim project, GIZ)
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Result Summary Table GHG -> add the substages #480

Open sebakoe opened 2 years ago

sebakoe commented 2 years ago

Not sure if there was already a discussion around this, but whereas the results summary table for energy consumption lists the substage, the results summary table for GHG emissions does not list the subtages. This would be pretty helpful for the user to figure out through that summary table in which substage which emission source occurs.

holalluis commented 2 years ago

Hi, this is because in the summary we list the sum of the sources for each substage. However, you can have this information in the menu were you select the substage: image

holalluis commented 2 years ago

I agree that this can be improved having a list of the substages (for example) here: image

holalluis commented 2 years ago

Remember that in the summary, next to the Table, you have the button "Charts GHG" were you can see a bar chart of the GHG splitted by substage image