icyavocado / Rocket.Chat.OpenAI.Completions.App

Rocket.Chat OpenAI ChatGPT Integration App
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Adding Streaming Requests #5

Open icyavocado opened 1 year ago

icyavocado commented 1 year ago

Add this feature so that the bot can keep typing just like how the browser version looks like. One issue I can see could be how we handle the notification of editing a message so frequently. I am not sure what would that look like.

icyavocado commented 1 year ago

Probably using this implementation https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-stream-real-time-openai-api-responses-next-js-13-2-gpt-3-5-turbo-and-edge-functions-378fea4dadbd

icyavocado commented 1 year ago

I'm second guessing myself if this is even needed. From a developer standpoint, it makes our code base a bit more messy. And from the user stand point, it is the constant pinging because of the edit message. This function works on the chatgpt website, but it wasn't really a better experience using Rocket Chat.