idaholab / TMAP8

Tritium Migration Analysis Program, Version 8
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Add verification cases ver-1i #182

Closed lin-yang-ly closed 1 month ago

lin-yang-ly commented 2 months ago

(Ref. #180)

moosebuild commented 2 months ago

Job Documentation, step Sync to remote on af1aea1 wanted to post the following:

View the site here

This comment will be updated on new commits.

moosebuild commented 2 months ago

Job Coverage, step Generate coverage on af1aea1 wanted to post the following:


Coverage did not change

Full coverage report

This comment will be updated on new commits.

lin-yang-ly commented 1 month ago

@simopier Thank you! All changes are updated in all six cases.

lin-yang-ly commented 1 month ago

Awesome contribution! Thank you @lin-yang-ly!

I still need to thoroughly check the math for ver-1ic and ver-1ie, but things are looking really good. I have many comments (mostly minor), and teh following requests and questions:

  1. Please find ways (by increasing the time step or using an adaptive time step) to make these tests run faster. Tests should run in less than ~2 seconds and they are taking much longer on the CI environment:
tests/ver-1ia/tests               [16.868s]
tests/ver-1ie/tests               [12.125s]
tests/ver-1if/tests                [11.396s]
tests/ver-1ib/tests               [7.771s]
tests/ver-1ic/tests               [7.135s]
tests/ver-1id/tests               [6.011s]
  1. The results for ver-1ie seem a bit different than what predicted by TMAP7, why is that?
  2. Why did you not use the analytical solution with the modified tau value in ver-1ie? Is that because you found an analytical solution that already works when the two pressures are equal?

@simopier I just update them with the comments. As for your question 2 and 3:

  1. Do you mean why we use the analytical solution instead of the tau fit?
  2. Yes, we can get an analytical solution when the initial pressures of A2 and B2 are same. The analytical solution is better than the tau fit in TMAP7.