idok / eslint-plugin

ESLint plugin for intellij
MIT License
151 stars 18 forks source link

how to show result inspection in Intellij Idea? #72

Closed szoyaung closed 6 years ago

szoyaung commented 6 years ago

the plugin has working,like the pic! 1

but there is no result inspection(maybe it call result list view or window,my english is not good ~), how can i show it?

additional remarks:my Intellij Idea version is 2017.3

idok commented 6 years ago

you need to run the inspection, go to Analyze->Run inspection by name, and select eslint

szoyaung commented 6 years ago

@idok it works, you taught me a very important point of knowledge at intellig idea,thank you very much! And another question, can the Intellij Idea own ESlint(at settings ->Languages & Frameworks ->JavaScript -> Code Quality Tools ->ESLint) show the inspection?