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ooxml-schemas 升级到 1.4 #116

Closed venusdrogon closed 4 years ago

venusdrogon commented 4 years ago

ooxml-schemas 升级到 1.4


venusdrogon commented 4 years ago

Version 3.17 (2017-09-15) Summary Removal of deprecated classes and methods that were marked for removal in v3.17 Various modules: add sanity checks and fix infinite loops / OOMs caused by fuzzed data OPC: fix linebreak handling on XML signature calculation (#61182) SS Common: fix number formatting (github-43/52, #60422) SXSSF: fix XML processing - unicode surrogates and line breaks (#61048, #61246)

Type Bug Module Description
  61478 OPC POI OOXML-Schema lookup uses wrong classloader
  61470 XWPF Handle ruby (phonetic) elements in XWPFRun
  61381 POIFS PushbackInputStreams passed to ZipHelper may not hold 8 bytes
  58975 SS_Common Support formula evaluation with functions containing more than 127 arguments
  60422 SS_Common Fix issue with number formatting in non-default locales
  61048 SXSSF Fix issue where carriage returns were being escaped as line feeds
  61246 SXSSF Do not replace Unicode Surrogate chars with ? when writing SXXSF sheets
  61363 POI_Overall Unify escher shape id allocation
  61350 OPC Use unsynchronized xmlbeans
  61346 HEMF Add more sanity checks before allocation of byte arrays in HEMF/HWMF
  61338 HWMF Avoid infinite loop with corrupt file
  61295 HPSF Avoid OOM in hpsf with corrupt file
  61331 SL_Common Font group handling / common font interface
  61300 POIFS Avoid infinite loop with corrupt file
  61286 61287 HSSF Handle zero-length headerfooter and 2 byte WriteProtectRecord
  github-43 SS_Common RoundUp and RoundDown functions round incorrectly in some scenarios
  github-52 SS_Common Support number formats with trailing commas
  61294 POI_Overall Fix bug that allowed IOUtils.skipFully to enter infinite loop
  61266 POIFS More helpful exception on unsupported old MS Write WRI files
  61243 POI_Overall Refactor and unify toString/toXml in DDF
  61182 OPC Invalid signature created for streamed xlsx file
venusdrogon commented 4 years ago
Type Bug Module Description
  61203 XSSF XSSFDrawing.getAnchorFromParent handles CTOneCellAnchor incorrectly, ignores CTAbsoluteAnchor
  56557 SXSSF Output file get corrupted with SXSSFWorkbook and "chart sheet"
  61045 HSLF Allow for extra bytes in FormatRecord
  52063 SS_Common Add formula support for LOOKUP(lookup_value, array)
  61169 SL_Common Text with Japanese characters overflows textbox
    XSSF XSSFTable improved support for creating columns and setting table areas, without needing to use CT classes
    XSSF XSSFTable should format numeric/date cells when used as Column Header names as Excel does
  61162 HWPF En-/decryption support for HWPF
  60230 XSSF Round trip workbook encryption and decryption
  58325 XSSF XSSFDrawing.getShapes() returns zero if sheet has more than one embedded OLE object
  61119 SL_Common Fix preset shape rendering and shading
  61059 HSSF Allow workbooks to contain more than 32k names
  github-55 XSSF Allow XSSFNames set with a long name that looks similar to a cell address
  github-25 SXSSF Add lock/unlock sheet protection and tab colors
  github-32 SS_Common Speed up Irr() formula evaluation
  github-52 HSSF Add a function to convert an HSSFWorkbook to an HTML document from an InputStream
  github-53 XWPF fix NPE when iterating over paragraphs in certain *.docx files
  github-54 XSSF Decrease execution time and memory consumption when adding XSSFPictures to an XSSFWorkbook
  52117 HPSF Invalid "last printed" summary field value
  60352 XSSF Text extraction: Don't include the text "null" for empty cells
  52372 HPSF OutOfMemoryError parsing a word file
  61062 HPSF Various HPSF related fixes
  61034 XSSF Call to XSSFReader.getSheetsData() returns duplicate sheets
  61049 SS_Common Fix order of two built-in formats
  61021 XSSF Extract Excel 2013 absPath info from xlsb
  60998 HSLF HSLFTable.setRowHeight sets row height incorrect
  60996 XSSF Multiple embedded objects on same sheet are ignored
  60993 HSLF Grid and rowspan calculation in table cells is wrong
  60973 XDGF Support for "PolylineTo" as well as existing alternate spelling "PolyLineTo"