igor-makarov / xcake

:cake: Describe Xcode projects in a human readable format and (re)generate one on demand.
MIT License
632 stars 48 forks source link

Cannot 'make' #101

Closed sfkaos closed 8 years ago

sfkaos commented 8 years ago

Hello, This seems like a pretty awesome framework. However, I'm currently not able to run xcake make on my XCode project.

My current environment is as follows: XCode version: 7.3.1 (7D1014) Ruby 2.1.2 (rbenv) rbenv 0.4.0

Gems: * LOCAL GEMS *

aasm (4.2.0) actionmailer ( actionpack (, 4.2.3, 4.2.0, 4.1.8, 4.1.0) actionpack-action_caching (1.1.1) actionpack-page_caching (1.0.2) actionview (, 4.2.3, 4.2.0, 4.1.8, 4.1.0) active_attr (0.8.5) active_model_serializers (0.9.0) active_utils (2.2.3) activejob ( activemerchant (1.46.0) activemodel (, 4.2.3, 4.2.0, 4.1.8, 4.1.0, 3.2.21) activerecord ( activerecord-deprecated_finders (1.0.4) activerecord-session_store (0.1.1) activeresource (3.2.21) activesupport (, 4.2.3, 4.2.0, 4.1.8, 4.1.0, 3.2.21) acts-as-taggable-on (3.5.0) acts_as_list (0.6.0) addressable (2.3.8) akami (1.2.2) american_date (1.1.0) analytics-ruby (2.0.12) appium_console (1.0.4) appium_lib (8.0.2) arel (6.0.3) asset_sync (1.1.0) ast (2.2.0) attr_required (1.0.0) authlogic (2.1.6) autoparse (0.3.3) autoprefixer-rails (6.3.1) awesome_nested_set (3.0.2) awesome_print (1.6.1) aws-s3 (0.6.3) aws-sdk (2.0.6.pre) aws-sdk-core (2.0.6) aws-sdk-resources (2.0.6.pre) aws-sdk-v1 (1.65.0) babel-source (5.6.16) babel-transpiler (0.7.0) babosa (1.0.2) balanced (1.2.1) bcrypt (3.1.10) better_errors (1.1.0) bigdecimal (1.2.4) binding_of_caller (0.7.2) blankslate ( bond (0.5.1) bootstrap-sass (3.3.6) browser (0.8.0) builder (3.2.2, 3.0.4) bundler (1.13.0.rc.1) byebug (8.2.2) camertron-eprun (1.1.0) cancan (1.6.10) cancancan (1.12.0, 1.10.1) canonical-rails (0.0.11) cap-recipes (0.3.39) capistrano (2.15.5) capistrano-maintenance (0.0.4) capybara (2.4.4, 2.0.3) carmen (1.0.2) carmen-rails (1.0.1) carrierwave (0.10.0) carrierwave_backgrounder (0.4.1) celluloid (0.16.0) cert (1.4.1) certified (1.0.0) CFPropertyList (2.3.1) charlock_holmes (0.7.3) childprocess (0.5.5) chronic_duration (0.10.6) chunky_png (1.3.4) claide (1.0.0) cldr-plurals-runtime-rb (1.0.0) climate_control (0.0.3) cliver (0.3.2) cocaine (0.5.7) cocoapods (1.0.1) cocoapods-core (1.0.1) cocoapods-deintegrate (1.0.0) cocoapods-downloader (1.0.0) cocoapods-keys (1.4.0) cocoapods-plugins (1.0.0) cocoapods-search (1.0.0) cocoapods-stats (1.0.0) cocoapods-trunk (1.0.0) cocoapods-try (1.0.0) coderay (1.1.0) coffee-rails (4.1.1) coffee-script (2.4.1) coffee-script-source (1.10.0) colored (1.2) colorize (0.7.5) columnize (0.9.0) commander (4.3.5) commonjs (0.2.7) compass (1.0.3) compass-core (1.0.3) compass-import-once (1.0.5) concurrent-ruby (1.0.0) connection_pool (2.2.0) cork (0.1.0) countries (0.11.5) crack (0.4.2) credentials_manager (0.16.0) css_parser (1.3.6) cupertino (1.3.4) currencies (0.4.2) daemons (1.2.3) dalli (2.7.4) database_cleaner (1.4.1) debug_inspector (0.0.2) debugger-linecache (1.2.0) deface (1.0.1) deliver (1.13.1) devise (3.5.1) devise-encryptable (0.1.2) diff-lcs (1.2.5) domain_name (0.5.24) dotenv (2.0.2) dotenv-deployment (0.0.2) dynamic_form (1.1.4) elasticsearch (1.0.12) elasticsearch-api (1.0.12) elasticsearch-model (0.1.7) elasticsearch-rails (0.1.8) elasticsearch-transport (1.0.12) em-websocket (0.5.1) erubis (2.7.0) escape (0.0.4) ethon (0.8.1) eventmachine (1.0.4) excon (0.45.4) execjs (2.6.0) extlib (0.9.16) factory_girl (4.5.0) factory_girl_rails (4.6.0) faker (1.4.3) faraday (0.9.1, 0.8.10) faraday-cookie_jar (0.0.6) faraday_middleware (0.10.0) fastimage (1.6.8) fastlane (1.97.2) fastlane_core (0.48.1) fb_graph2 (0.7.2) ffaker (1.32.1) ffi (1.9.10) fission (0.5.0) flaky (0.1.3) fog (1.25.0) fog-brightbox (0.7.2) fog-core (1.32.0) fog-json (1.0.2) fog-profitbricks (0.0.3) fog-radosgw (0.0.4) fog-sakuracloud (1.0.1) fog-softlayer (0.4.7) fog-terremark (0.1.0) fog-vmfusion (0.1.0) fog-voxel (0.1.0) fog-xml (0.1.2) font-awesome-rails ( foreman (0.78.0) formatador (0.2.5) fourflusher (0.3.0) frameit (2.7.0) friendly_id (5.1.0) fui (0.3.0) fuubar (2.0.0) fuzzy_match (2.0.4) geocoder (1.2.9) gh_inspector (1.0.2) git-version-bump (0.15.1) github-markup (1.1.2) gitlab-grit (2.6.7) gli (2.13.2) globalid (0.3.6) gmaps4rails (2.1.2) gollum-lib (3.0.0) google-api-client (0.9.11) google_drive (0.3.9) googleauth (0.5.1) guard (2.12.8, 1.8.2) guard-compat (1.2.1) guard-livereload (1.4.0) guard-rspec (4.6.0, 1.2.1) guard-spork (1.5.2) gym (1.6.3) gyoku (1.1.1) haml (4.0.6) handlebars_assets (0.20.2) hashie (3.4.2, 2.0.5) heroku-deflater (0.5.3) heroku_rails_deflate (1.0.3) highline (1.7.3, 1.6.21) hike (1.2.3) hirefireapp (0.2.0) hitimes (1.2.2) hodel_3000_compliant_logger (0.1.1) honeybadger (1.14.0) hooks (0.4.1) houston (2.2.3) htmlentities (4.3.3) http-cookie (1.0.2) http_parser.rb (0.6.0) http_router (0.11.1) httparty (0.13.5) httpclient (2.8.0) httpi (2.1.1) hurley (0.2) i18n (0.7.0, 0.6.11, 0.6.9) i18n_data (0.7.0) imagga (1.0.0) inflecto (0.0.2) intercom-rails (0.2.29) io-console (0.4.2) ipaddress (0.8.0) jbuilder (2.4.0) jmespath (1.0.2) journey (1.0.4) jquery-fileupload-rails (0.4.6) jquery-rails (4.1.0) jquery-ui-rails (5.0.5) json (1.8.3, 1.8.1) jwt (1.5.1) kaminari (0.16.3) kgio (2.9.3) koala (1.10.1) kramdown (1.7.0) krausefx-shenzhen (0.14.9) launchy (2.4.3) less (2.6.0) less-rails (2.7.1) libv8 ( listen (2.10.1) little-plugger (1.1.4) logging (2.0.0) loofah (2.0.3) lumberjack (1.0.9) magnifier-rails (0.0.3) mail (2.6.3, 2.5.4) masonry-rails (0.2.4) match (0.6.1) mechanize (2.5.1) memoist (0.12.0) metaclass (0.0.4) method_source (0.8.2) middleman (3.3.12) middleman-autoprefixer (2.4.4) middleman-core (3.3.12) middleman-gh-pages (0.0.3) middleman-sprockets (3.4.2) middleman-syntax (2.0.0) mime-types (2.99, 1.25.1) mini_magick (4.5.1) mini_portile (0.6.2) mini_portile2 (2.0.0) minitest (5.8.4, 4.7.5) mocha (1.1.0) molinillo (0.4.5) moneta (0.7.20) monetize (1.1.0) money (6.5.1) mono_logger (1.1.0) multi_json (1.11.2) multi_xml (0.5.5) multipart-post (2.0.0, 1.2.0) mustache (0.99.8) nap (1.0.0) nenv (0.2.0) net-http-digest_auth (1.4) net-http-persistent (2.9.4) net-scp (1.2.1) net-sftp (2.1.2) net-ssh (2.9.2) net-ssh-gateway (1.2.0) netrc (0.10.3, 0.7.8) newrelic_rpm ( nokogiri ( nori (2.3.0) notiffany (0.0.6) ntlm-http (0.1.1) numerizer (0.1.1) oauth (0.4.7) oauth2 (1.0.0) offsite_payments (2.0.1) oink (0.10.1) oj (2.12.10) omniauth (1.2.2) omniauth-facebook (2.0.1) omniauth-oauth2 (1.3.1) open4 (1.3.4) opennebula (4.12.1) orm_adapter (0.5.0) os (0.9.6) osx_keychain (1.0.1) padrino (0.12.2) padrino-admin (0.12.4, 0.12.2) padrino-cache (0.12.4, 0.12.2) padrino-core (0.12.4, 0.12.2) padrino-gen (0.12.4, 0.12.2) padrino-helpers (0.12.5, 0.12.4, 0.12.2) padrino-mailer (0.12.4, 0.12.2) padrino-support (0.12.5, 0.12.4, 0.12.2) paperclip (4.2.1) paranoia (2.1.0) parser ( parslet (1.5.0) pbxplorer (1.0.0) pem (1.3.1) pg (0.18.2) phantomjs ( phony (2.14.8) phony_rails (0.12.11) pilot (1.9.2) plist (3.1.0) poltergeist (1.5.1) polyamorous (1.1.0) polyglot (0.3.5) posix-spawn (0.3.9) powerpack (0.1.1) premailer (1.8.4) premailer-rails (1.9.0) produce (1.1.2) protected_attributes (1.0.8) pry (0.10.1) psych (2.0.5) puma (2.12.1) pygments.rb (0.6.2) rabl (0.11.4, 0.9.4.pre1) rack (1.6.4, 1.5.2) rack-cache (1.2) rack-cachely (0.4.1) rack-contrib (1.3.0) rack-oauth2 (1.2.0) rack-protection (1.5.3) rack-rewrite (1.5.1) rack-ssl (1.4.1) rack-ssl-enforcer (0.2.8) rack-test (0.6.3) rack-timeout (0.2.4) rails ( rails-deprecated_sanitizer (1.0.3) rails-dom-testing (1.0.7) rails-html-sanitizer (1.0.3) rails-i18n (4.0.8) rails-observers (0.1.2) rails4_upgrade (0.5.0) rails_12factor (0.0.3) rails_serve_static_assets (0.0.5) rails_stdout_logging (0.0.4) railties ( rainbow (2.1.0) raindrops (0.13.0) rake (10.5.0, 10.4.2, 10.1.0) ransack (1.4.1) rash (0.4.0) rb-fsevent (0.9.5) rb-inotify (0.9.5) rb-kqueue (0.2.3) rb-readline (0.5.3) rbvmomi (1.8.2) rd_awesome_nested_set (1.4.4) rd_resource_controller (1.0.1) rd_searchlogic (3.0.1) rd_unobtrusive_date_picker (0.1.0) rdoc (4.2.1, 4.1.0) react-rails (1.6.0) react_on_rails (2.3.0) redcarpet (3.3.1) redis (3.2.1) redis-namespace (1.5.2) ref (2.0.0) remotipart (1.2.1) representable (2.3.0) responders (2.1.0) resque (1.25.2, 1.24.1) resque-rollbar (0.3.0) resque-scheduler (2.2.0) resque-web (0.0.6) resque_mailer (2.2.7) resque_spec (0.16.0) rest-client (1.8.0) retriable (2.1.0) rmagick (2.15.3) rollbar (1.5.3) rouge (1.9.0, 1.3.4) rspec (3.2.0, 2.14.1) rspec-collection_matchers (1.1.2) rspec-core (3.4.2, 3.2.2, 2.14.8) rspec-expectations (3.4.0, 3.2.0, 2.14.5) rspec-instafail (0.2.5) rspec-mocks (3.4.1, 3.2.1, 2.14.6) rspec-rails (3.4.2, 2.14.2) rspec-support (3.4.1, 3.2.2) rubocop (0.37.0) ruby-hmac (0.4.0) ruby-lint (2.1.0) ruby-progressbar (1.7.5) RubyInline (3.12.4) rubyntlm (0.3.4) rubyzip (1.1.7) rufus-scheduler (2.0.24) s3_direct_upload (0.1.7) safe_yaml (1.0.4) sanitize (2.1.0) sanitize_email (1.1.5) sass (3.4.21) sass-rails (5.0.4) savon (2.3.3) scan (0.8.0) screengrab (0.3.2) scss_lint (0.44.0) sdoc (0.4.1) security (0.1.3) select2-rails (4.0.1, selenium-webdriver (2.52.0) send_with_us (1.10.2) sendwithus_ruby_action_mailer (0.1.2) sentry-raven (0.15.2) sequel (4.11.0) sheet_mapper (0.3.0) shellany (0.0.1) shenzhen (0.14.2) sigh (1.8.0) signet (0.7.3) sinatra (1.4.6) sitemap_generator (5.1.0) slack-notifier (1.4.0) slim (2.0.2) slop (3.6.0) snapshot (1.12.3) spaceship (0.28.0) spec (5.3.4) spork (0.9.2) spree (3.0.0) spree_api (3.0.0) spree_auth (0.30.1) spree_backend (3.0.0) spree_cmd (3.0.0) spree_core (3.0.0, 0.30.1) spree_dash (0.30.1) spree_frontend (3.0.0) spree_promo (0.30.1) spree_sample (3.0.0) spring (1.6.3) spring-commands-rspec (1.0.4) sprockets (3.5.2, 2.12.3) sprockets-helpers (1.1.0) sprockets-image_compressor (0.3.0) sprockets-rails (3.0.1) sprockets-sass (1.3.1) sprockets_better_errors (0.0.4) sqlite3 (1.3.11) state_machine (1.2.0) state_machines (0.2.2) state_machines-activemodel (0.1.2) state_machines-activerecord (0.2.0) stathat (0.1.7) stringex (2.5.2, 1.5.1) supply (0.7.0) switch_user (1.1.0) temple (0.6.7) term-ansicolor (1.0.7) terminal-notifier (1.6.3) terminal-table (1.4.5) test-unit ( therubyracer (0.12.2) thin (1.6.3) thor (0.19.1, 0.18.1) thread_safe (0.3.5) tilt (2.0.2, 1.4.1) time-helper (2.0.1) timers (4.0.1) toml (0.1.2) tomlrb (1.2.0) treetop (1.4.15) trollop (2.1.2) truncate_html (0.9.2) turbolinks (2.5.3) twitter-bootstrap-rails (3.2.2) twitter_cldr (3.1.2) typhoeus (0.8.0) tzinfo (1.2.2, 1.2.1) uber (0.0.15) uglifier (2.7.2) unf (0.1.4) unf_ext ( unicode-display_width (0.3.1) unicode_utils (1.4.0) unicorn (4.8.3) url_mount (0.2.1) url_safe_base64 (0.2.2) uuidtools (2.1.5) validates_existence (0.9.2) vegas (0.1.11) versioncake (2.3.1) warden (1.2.3) wasabi (3.2.3) web-console (2.3.0) webmock (1.21.0) webrobots (0.1.1) websocket (1.2.1) websocket-driver (0.6.2) websocket-extensions (0.1.2) wicked (1.1.1) wicked_pdf (0.11.0) will_paginate (3.0.7) wkhtmltopdf-binary ( wkhtmltopdf-heroku (1.0.0) word_wrap (1.0.0) xcake (0.6.25) xcode-install (1.4.0) xcodeproj (1.1.0) xcpretty (0.2.1) xcpretty-travis-formatter (0.0.4) xml-simple (1.1.4) xpath (2.0.0, 1.0.0) yajl-ruby (1.2.1) ZenTest (4.11.0)


win@winmac ~/Development/iOS/Vango-iOS (develop)$ xcake make
/usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cork-0.1.0/lib/cork/board.rb:333:in `wrap_string': undefined method `winsize' for #<IO:<STDOUT>> (NoMethodError)
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cork-0.1.0/lib/cork/board.rb:80:in `puts_indented'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/xcake-0.6.25/lib/xcake/ui.rb:17:in `block in register_ui_hooks'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/uber-0.0.15/lib/uber/options.rb:96:in `instance_exec'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/uber-0.0.15/lib/uber/options.rb:96:in `proc!'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/uber-0.0.15/lib/uber/options.rb:82:in `evaluate_for'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/uber-0.0.15/lib/uber/options.rb:60:in `call'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks/hook.rb:59:in `evaluate_callback'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks/hook.rb:55:in `execute_callback'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks/hook.rb:40:in `block in run'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks/hook.rb:39:in `each'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks/hook.rb:39:in `inject'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks/hook.rb:39:in `run'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks.rb:55:in `run_hook_for'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/hooks-0.4.1/lib/hooks.rb:51:in `run_hook'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/xcake-0.6.25/lib/xcake/command/make.rb:14:in `run'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/claide-1.0.0/lib/claide/command.rb:334:in `run'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/xcake-0.6.25/bin/xcake:7:in `<top (required)>'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/xcake:23:in `load'
    from /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/xcake:23:in `<main>'

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Thanks again!

jcampbell05 commented 8 years ago

Interesting this seems to be an issue with the https://github.com/CocoaPods/Cork framework Xcake uses to output to the console.

@orta do you know anything about this error?

sfkaos commented 8 years ago

@jcampbell05 If it helps I found this. Which looks related. https://github.com/pry/pry/commit/f7c06f7e68b433293304dac30f786c6e92e00542

orta commented 8 years ago

Somehow you're using something that requires win size, before require 'io/console' is called, would love to know how/why

jcampbell05 commented 8 years ago

@orta The code for printing out the feedback is contained in this file https://github.com/jcampbell05/xcake/blob/master/lib/xcake/ui.rb

We just create the Cork::Board instance and use all the various instance methods (i.e notice) like so when ever an event happens such as the project being created.

This is interesting though as on my machine I don't get this issue, so could it be environment related ?

bluelucifer commented 8 years ago

@jcampbell05 it causes from cork gem 0.1.0 in this command can't help on this problem. "gem install cork" do not install from "gem install" command I solve this problem from this command git clone https://github.com/CocoaPods/Cork.git cd Cork/ gem build cork.gemspec gem install cork-0.1.0.gem

cork fix this bug but not updated yet.

jcampbell05 commented 8 years ago

Okay I will close as an issue with Cork.

jcampbell05 commented 8 years ago

@sfkaos A new version of the library causing this issue should be released if you bundle update