igorklopov / enclose

Compile your Node.js project into an executable
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Node.exe randomly stops running #97

Closed KMRNicholson closed 8 years ago

KMRNicholson commented 8 years ago

So I wrote a script that takes a list of values in an array (around 200 or so) and makes multiple requests per item. The program goes through the first set of requests for the first value, then checks to see if it has finished the list. If not, it increments its position on the list and continues on to the second set of same requests for the second value. However, once I hit the 12th item, the exe stops running. No errors, no log file.

Is there a limit to how many requests we can make before the exe shut down?

PS. When I run the same script file in Node, it works fine. It will cycle through the whole array of 200 items without error. I can provide more details if necessary.


Skarmac1 commented 8 years ago

I am also having a very similar issue! Hope someone can help :)

igorklopov commented 8 years ago

Can you post javascript to help me reproduce the problem?

KMRNicholson commented 8 years ago

I think it was because I was using the evaluation version. I tried using nexe instead and it works great, for free!