iho-ohi / 98-interoperability

A repository to discuss issues to S-98 Product Specification of IHO
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when is the overscale pattern shown? #65

Open kusala9 opened 1 week ago

kusala9 commented 1 week ago

Current draft of S-98 Annex C has the following content:

NOTE:   If the display is compiled from more than one ENC of the same optimumDisplayScale, and if the mariner deliberately chooses 
to zoom in so that the display scale exceeds the maximumDisplayScale, then only the "overscale indication" must be shown. The 
"overscale pattern" (area fill OVERSC01) must not be shown. 

this is based on the following S-52 clause (I believe):


the content of the Note box is the issue - what does "deliberately chooses to zoom in" mean? Does this mean the overscale pattern is only shown for those datasets which are rendered in order to fill the screen (which we could specify as part of the algorithm) ? It's unclear, and it is also unclear whether anyone has actually implemented this as there is no explicit test for it in S-64.

Options are:

Additionally, an explicit test could be added to S-164 for this condition.

kusala9 commented 1 week ago

this is from SelectDataCoverages in the select/display algorithm. I believe if we restricted the overscale to data coverages which are selected after line 3.b is reached this might work??


benhazelgrove commented 1 week ago

AHO will implement maximumDisplayScale at 2x optimumDisplayScale in order to replicate the understanding that S-57 ECDIS displays overscale pattern (jailbars) at 2x compilation scale. This is based on the DCEG (Clause 3.5.1 specifically refers to this functionality).


My understanding was that the only time this wouldn't occur is when the cell is the largest scale product (nothing larger exists) and the mariner zooms past maximumDisplayScale, only the overscale indication would be shown.

kusala9 commented 1 week ago

I had a discussion with richard fowle over the phone on this today. He confirmed his understanding of the requirement as written in S-52 is the same. The mariner shouldn't see jail bars over the "largest scale" data even if it's zoomed in past 2x compilation scale, presumably to avoid cluttering the screen. However, he also wasn't sure most current S-57 ECDIS implement this feature, with many just switching on the prison bars on all data which is > x2 zoomed. Also confirmed there's no specific test on this at the moment so it's likely current implementation will be variable.

MikusRL commented 1 week ago

The text in C- is with the "optimumDS". @kusala9 You have it in the v.1.7.2 (from GitHub) in this form: image The citation in the first comment is outdated...

If as stated in v 1.7.2, I think then it makes sense, that "prison bars", if they need to come on, they come on only after passing the set by the Producer maximumDS. So then at any scenario, over the optimumDS only indication of the overscale is on the screen. This I think is the closest to the "expected to be implemented" S-57 performance currently, and in the scenario where the prisonbars are expected, these arenot brought up right after the optimumDS, if the Producer has not set purpously the maximumDS value the same as the optimumDS. In the conversion Guidance there is the "automated" suggestion that maximumDS should be converted to 2X as the S-57ns comp scale.

It is my understanding that this was the point that some HOs wanted to have the saying when the prison bars, if expected, to come on on their products. And was the outcome of the S-101PT meeting discussions in Indonesia and Sweden.