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S-101 Update Information. #11

Open kusala9 opened 1 year ago

kusala9 commented 1 year ago

S-101 PT has an outstanding action deciding whether UpdateInformation is to be derived automatically from the update instructions (as is currently the case with S_57 ECDIS) or plotted and contained within each ENC update. This issue tracks this dependency and any attendant documentation required in S-98 Annex C once it is resolved.

Target to resolve at next S-101PT (Lombok?)

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 1 year ago

DCEG issue PSWG issue PC issue

kusala9 commented 2 weeks ago

current model is implemented in S-101. Need to add tests to S-164 to view update information features, in updates and a new edition.

kusala9 commented 2 weeks ago

does S-98 Annex C contain the correct words on how UpdateInformation is processed and portrayed?

DavidGrant-NIWC commented 2 weeks ago

does S-98 Annex C contain the correct words on how UpdateInformation is processed and portrayed?

No. 🙂 image


The portrayal will show the UpdateInformation features whenever the "Update review" IMS is enabled. The OEM is responsible for tying the IMS to their existing update review functionality. Additionally, they need to be able to filter the UpdateInformation features by tying the updateNumber attribute to the date range indicating the review period:

MSC.530: image

IEC 61174: image

DCEG: image

IMS: image

kusala9 commented 2 weeks ago

thanks - will use this as input to change the existing text.

alvarosanuy commented 1 week ago

One of the arguments to introduce UpdateInformation was to restrict the number of features the 'ENC Update review' functionality in ECDIS (unnecesary) highlighted as 'change'. When the S101PT decided (at the last meeting) not to replace the current S-57/S-52 binary comparison with UpdateInformation features, it was highlighted, as an argument, that 'not all OEMs' implemented the binary comparison the same way and 'not always' unnecessary features were highlighted as change (e.g. new pipeline protruding from the coast - only the pipeline should be highlighted as change not every object linked to the 'new node' in the coastline). The recommendation at the meeting was to include an S-164 test that shows the result that is the 'best practice' from current OEM implementations (I can't personally point to one of them but it seems TR may have one in mind ..?).

Personally, I think we should instead look at introducing an S-98 requirement that implements the 'ENC update' review functionality in a way it takes into consideration the existence of UpdateInformation features. The portrayal of UpdateInformation should 'win' over the binary difference display. For a specific Ed/Upd ENC update, ECDIS will then show either the corresponding UpdateInformation features OR, when none exists, the binary comparison result.

Those ENC producers not willing to encode UpdateInformation would leave the users with the Binary only output as per current S-57/S-52.