Solved issue #7
Label Encoding is used to convert Categorical data into Numeric Data.
Used SimpleImputer to fill Na values in features with the median of the values of that feature and also used SimpleImputer to fill Na values in categorical column with the most frequent feature
Converted the 'year' data type that conveys the age of the wine.
Dropped several features that had extremely low correlation with the target feature with the help of Correlation matrix.
Solved issue #7 Label Encoding is used to convert Categorical data into Numeric Data. Used SimpleImputer to fill Na values in features with the median of the values of that feature and also used SimpleImputer to fill Na values in categorical column with the most frequent feature Converted the 'year' data type that conveys the age of the wine. Dropped several features that had extremely low correlation with the target feature with the help of Correlation matrix.