ijgnd / anki__preview_card_edit_note_in_extra_window_linked_from_reviewer

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rate from preview #9

Open bwhurd opened 3 years ago

bwhurd commented 3 years ago

I found this while looking for an addon to rate from the preview screen. That would be great. Feel free to delete this. Wasn't sure where to send an upvote. ha.

ijgnd commented 3 years ago

For the old Anki version 2.0 there was a popular add-on named Advanced Previewer. The creator glutanimate has announced a soon-ish release several times on his patroen, https://www.patreon.com/glutanimate . I have no idea when it will be actually released.


But I guess the reasons for rating from a card preview window (see e.g. here) also partly apply to my preview window so it would make sense to have this feature.

Maybe I'll add this at some point.

ijgnd commented 2 years ago

note to self, some ideas:

since ~2020 there's the add-on Learn now & Grade now that allows you to rate from the browser table. you can set shortcuts to rate. (shortcoming: in 2023-03-19 it does not use gui_hooks like reviewer_will_answer_card so that scheduling modifications made by add-ons will be ignored though this should be less relevant with the v3 scheduler that uses js for modiying the scheduler).

maybe this can be combined with my Browser Maximize/Hide Table/Editor/Sidebar. Maybe the hiding of some fields of the editor from hgiesel's Persistent Editor can be copied.

in 2022-11: glutanimate hasn't published on his patreon about advanced previewer. so presumably it's dead?


2.1.55 has some tweaks to the way buttons are drawn, see this forum post.

in 2022/23 the main webview will be rewritten, so the old way buttons are drawn will go away.

ijgnd commented 1 year ago

requested again: https://forums.ankiweb.net/t/should-there-be-a-method-to-create-hyperlink-of-cards/26447/4?u=ijgnd

ccchan234 commented 1 year ago

For the old Anki version 2.0 there was a popular add-on named Advanced Previewer. The creator glutanimate has announced a soon-ish release several times on his patroen, https://www.patreon.com/glutanimate . I have no idea when it will be actually released.


But I guess the reasons for rating from a card preview window (see e.g. here) also partly apply to my preview window so it would make sense to have this feature.

Maybe I'll add this at some point.

do you know how i can see the list of add on in his pateron?

he listed out 3 most popular one, yet i only found image occlusion i am interested in. wanna dig out the other ones, thanks

ijgnd commented 1 year ago

@ccchan234 you can click through the headings on patreon. I'm sure that any new add-on release would be in the heading. If you're interested in the Advanced Previewer for 2.1. As far as I know it was never released (and I doubt that it will ever be). If Advanced Previewer were available I wouldn't have to add code for rating from the preview window for my add-on.

ijgnd commented 1 year ago

the similar hjp-link... add-on already supports this. the gui code is at https://github.com/napretep/hjp-bilink/blob/35ccb0cca4963f72fb7f263f04d519960f5b14b6/lib/common_tools/widgets.py#L2055