ikayzo / SDL

The Simple Declarative Language provides an easy way to describe lists, maps, and trees of typed data in a compact, easy to read representation. The simple and intuitive API allows you to read, write, and access all the datastructures using a single class. For property files, configuration files, logs, and simple serialization requirements, SDL provides a compelling alternative to XML and Properties files. Implementations are available for Java and .NET with more languages on the way.
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SDL for Java v1.1 beta 1

This library has no external dependencies. SDL for Java required JRE 1.5 or higher.

See the tests in src/org/ikayzo/sdl/test and Tag Javadoc: doc/org/ikayzo/sdl/Tag.html for examples.

For more info see: http://sdl.ikayzo.org/docs

Changes since v1.0: