ikirill / irony-eldoc

irony-mode support for eldoc-mode
30 stars 9 forks source link

Fix runtime-errors caused by use of obsolete functions. #6

Closed josteink closed 7 years ago

josteink commented 9 years ago

This fixes https://github.com/ikirill/irony-eldoc/issues/5

Currently irony-eldoc is broken on Debian Jessie. I suspect on Ubuntu too. This should resolve that.

josteink commented 9 years ago

Any plans merging this?

nickbroon commented 8 years ago


cute-jumper commented 8 years ago

@ikirill Can you merge this? lexical-let is not needed since lexical-binding is enabled. BTW, lexical-let in actually in cl instead of cl-lib. You need (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) if you really want to use lexical-let.

AndreaOrru commented 7 years ago

@ikirill This really needs to be merged. 👍

josteink commented 7 years ago

@AndreaOrru ikirill hasn't really been active with anything on Github for ages.

My advice to anyone needing a working irony-eldoc at this point is forking it.

You can either rebrand it and launch it as a new package on MELPA, or you can seek permission to become the new authorative source for the package.

Relying on this package in its current form is a dead-end.

AndreaOrru commented 7 years ago

I sent him a message on his university email. If he doesn't answer, I'll fork it myself.

josteink commented 7 years ago

I'm closing this because I'm fed up seeing it in my pull-request list when it obviously never will get accepted.

To whoever decides to fork this and take over... Take this patch, free of cost, and please just merge it :)