ilijaNL / graphql-ops-proxy

A fast and secure graphql proxy for nodejs, serverless and cf workers
MIT License
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GraphQL Operation Proxy

Make your graphql server secure and blazingly fast šŸš€šŸš€


yarn install graphql-ops-proxy


Create a proxy for nextjs webapp (on the edge): /pages/api/proxy.ts

import { createEdgeHandler } from 'graphql-ops-proxy/lib/edge';
import { GeneratedOperation } from 'graphql-ops-proxy/lib/proxy';
import { OPERATIONS } from '@/__generated__/gql';

const handler = createEdgeHandler(
  new URL(''),
  OPERATIONS as Array<GeneratedOperation>,
    onResponse(resp, { op }) {
      // add cache headers
      if (op.mBehaviour.ttl) {
        resp.headers.append('Cache-Control', 'public');
        resp.headers.append('Cache-Control', `s-maxage=${op.mBehaviour.ttl}`);
        resp.headers.append('Cache-Control', `stale-while-revalidate=${op.mBehaviour.ttl}`);

      return resp;

export const config = {
  runtime: 'edge',

export default handler;
With cloudflare workers
import { createEdgeHandler } from 'graphql-ops-proxy/lib/edge';
import { GeneratedOperation } from 'graphql-ops-proxy/lib/proxy';
import { OPERATIONS } from './__generated__/gql';

const handler = createEdgeHandler(
  new URL(''),
  OPERATIONS as Array<GeneratedOperation>,
    onResponse(response, { op }) {
      // add cache headers
      if (op.mBehaviour.ttl) {
        response.headers.set('cache-control', `public, s-maxage=${op.mBehaviour.ttl}`);

      return response;

export default {
  fetch: handler,
With NextJS API routes (not edge)
import { GeneratedOperation } from 'graphql-ops-proxy/lib/proxy';
import { createEdgeHandler } from 'graphql-ops-proxy/lib/edge';
import { OPERATIONS } from '../../__generated__/gql';
import { createServerAdapter } from '@whatwg-node/server';

const origin = new URL('');
const handler = createEdgeHandler(origin, OPERATIONS as Array<GeneratedOperation>, {
  onResponse(response, { op }) {
    if (op.mBehaviour.ttl) {
      response.headers.set('cache-control', `public, s-maxage=${op.mBehaviour.ttl}`);

    return response;

const adapter = createServerAdapter(handler);

export default adapter;

Calling from the client

import { GetDataDocument, TypedOperation } from '@/__generated__/gql';

// using generics to assure type-safety
async function send<TResult, TVars>(op: TypedOperation<TResult, TVars>, vars: TVars) {
  // can be optimzed by using op.operationType === 'query' to create a get request
  return await fetch('/api/proxy', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({
      v: vars,
      op: op.operation,
  }).then((d) => d.json());

// res will be typed
const res = await send(GetDataDocument, {});

See ./examples for more integrations

Client Server Request Protocol

URL: /api/proxy?op=<operationName>&v=<JSON.stringify(vars)>
URL: /api/proxy
BODY: JSON.stringify({
  op: <operationName>
  v: variabels

Other usage

For more usage checkout the /tests/* directory