illegalinstruction / the_terror_beneath

Submarine exploration game, built for a summer course in game dev. Currently unfinished.
1 stars 0 forks source link

FEATURE: trophy room #65

Open illegalinstruction opened 1 year ago

illegalinstruction commented 1 year ago

Acceptance criteria:

illegalinstruction commented 1 year ago

background blur:

illegalinstruction commented 1 year ago <-- enumerate all files in a given dir example code

illegalinstruction commented 1 year ago

Some bits will need to be thrown out and recoded - I mistakenly thought it was possible to enumerate the files in a .PCK - this is, as far as I can tell, unsupported in 3.5.

The original idea was to try to make it easy to contribute new Discoveries without recompiling. I still think this is a good idea, but it's going to have to wait until after the conference. What's going to happen in the interim is:

  1. We'll declare a Dictionary somewhere that lists all the Discoveries, along with their flavour texts (and maybe throw together some kind of script to convert a comma-delimited text file to the proper format).
  2. Have an array of bool somewhere (with the same number of elements as the Dictionary from step 1) to track whether each discovery has been seen at least once or not, and maybe a second one to handle whether it was photographed or not.
  3. Instead of having Discovery be a separate class, we should just have each one inherit from Spatial, and in a collided-with-player signal handler, set the appropriate bool out of table in step 2 to true.
  4. On save, write out the array of bools to disk.