imarc / clockvine-vue

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Better Naming #2

Open jeffturcotte opened 7 years ago

jeffturcotte commented 7 years ago

vuexModule, vueMixin, etc. are too generic IMO. I don't know for sure what would be better, but here are some suggestions:

ClockvineStore (capitalized as it is a class) clockvineModel clockvineEditableModel

khamer commented 7 years ago

I agree – I'm going to make 0.4 or 0.5 break backwards compatibility, and I'll do something like this then.

khamer commented 2 years ago

So, I did change the names, but didn't namespace them. It seems to me like

import { CollectionComponent } from 'clockvine-vue'

Is reasonable and consistent. If anything, I think I should try to publish as just 'clockvine'.