imperodesign / generator-impero

Impero's website skeleton generator, courtesy of Yeoman
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ES2015 import syntax in Webpack config/Backend #5

Closed samhh closed 8 years ago

samhh commented 8 years ago

Using babel-node produces a multitude of errors, probably pertaining to our use of Webpack in the server.

samhh commented 8 years ago

babel-node no longer producing errors in a recent build...

samhh commented 8 years ago

Backend becomes worse when you change syntax. More verbose and for now more buggy. Leaving it as is syntax-wise for the near future.

samhh commented 8 years ago

Likewise of Webpack config. It'd at least require adding babel-node as a dependency to the server.

Leaving this closed for now to revisit at a later date, especially when the Node ecosystem has gotten more on board with ES6 imports.