in-toto / ITE

in-toto Enhancements
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Propose ITE for how to best integrate in-toto + TUF #3

Closed SantiagoTorres closed 4 years ago

SantiagoTorres commented 5 years ago

A recommendation ITE that explains how to best integrate in-toto + TUF would be useful to guide users who want to use both technologies together.

trishankatdatadog commented 5 years ago

Let's do this 👍

Should we start writing an ITE here off a branch here, or use a Google Doc first?

SantiagoTorres commented 5 years ago

Either way works for me, I just wanted it to be tracked for our ROADMAP purposes. Let's do the doc as we discussed yesterday :)

trishankatdatadog commented 4 years ago

I think we can close this thanks to #4 and #5

SantiagoTorres commented 4 years ago

yep, thanks!