inakiabt / etsy-php

Etsy API wrapper for PHP
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array(string), validation #34

Open calebn opened 6 years ago

calebn commented 6 years ago

Your parameter validation incorrectly sees array("string1", "string2", "string3") as valid when it will produce an invalid_signature error (code 403) when sent to Etsy. The array(string) parameter type can only contain a single element to be valid. The earlier example must be array("string1, string2, string3") in order to be accepted by Etsy.

geewhzz commented 3 years ago

This I believe is happening to me also when using updateInventory when I need to use array(int1, int2) for the "price_on_property", "quantity_on_property", and "sku_on_property" fields.

With one int such as array(int) it works fine but using array(int1, int2) is crashing my Apache server causing it to restart and I get a connection reset error.

Any ideas? I am going to look into trying to debug it tonight.