infinitered / ProMotion-menu

RubyMotion gem allowing you to easily setup a facebook or Path style hidden slide menu easily with the ProMotion gem.
74 stars 29 forks source link

Updated with latest cocoapods support #14

Closed macfanatic closed 10 years ago

macfanatic commented 10 years ago

Also resolved issue requiring users to specify their pods setup in project Rakefile.

macfanatic commented 10 years ago

@ryanlntn and @jamonholmgren - Looks like this was an error in the newer versions of cocoapods requiring us to do pod setup & rake pod:install, since I don't check any of the vendor/Pods stuff into the repo.

Now we have a passing build with the latest tools, and this also removes the requirement that you do the following in you Rakefile:

app.pods do
  pod 'PKRevealController'
ryanlntn commented 10 years ago

@macfanatic Thanks for the heads up! I'll have to update my gem now too.

jamonholmgren commented 10 years ago

Very cool.