infinitered / ProMotion-menu

RubyMotion gem allowing you to easily setup a facebook or Path style hidden slide menu easily with the ProMotion gem.
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uninitialized constant ProMotion::Menu::MMDrawerController (NameError) #37

Closed dunghopper closed 9 years ago

dunghopper commented 9 years ago

I'm new to RubyMotion (and of course to ProMotion).

I am using ProMotion 2.0.1, Promotion-menu 1.0.0.beta1, motion-cocoapods 1.4.2, and MMDrawerController 0.5.7. All gems (via bundler) and pods appear to be installed correctly.

But, after installing the above gems and pods and running rake, compilation works, but crashes immediately when running on the simulator, with a NameError somewhere in RubyMotionInit:

uninitialized constant ProMotion::Menu::MMDrawerController (NameError)

I haven't yet added any ProMotion-menu code to my project. If I remove ProMotion-menu from my Gemfile, run bundle install again, and rebuild, the app works as before. The mere presence of the gem triggers the error.

Any ideas? Thanks.

macfanatic commented 9 years ago

Hey @dunghopper, would you mind sharing a complete stack trace with us?

dunghopper commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the quick response! Here you go:

*** First throw call stack:
    0   CoreFoundation                     0x024c61e4 __exceptionPreprocess + 180
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                    0x0084f8e5 objc_exception_throw + 44
    2   MyApp                              0x0059b3b8 _ZL10__vm_raisev + 344
    3   MyApp                              0x0059b498 rb_vm_raise + 216
    4   MyApp                              0x00499451 rb_exc_raise + 17
    5   MyApp                              0x00492c37 rb_name_error + 135
    6   MyApp                              0x005519d5 rb_mod_const_missing + 165
    7   MyApp                              0x0058f1b4 _ZL20dispatch_rimp_callerPFP11objc_objectS0_P13objc_selectorzEmS1_iPKm + 46452
    8   MyApp                              0x00575a6c rb_vm_dispatch + 7164
    9   MyApp                              0x00552905 rb_const_get_0 + 1253
    10  MyApp                              0x00552950 rb_const_get + 32
    11  MyApp                              0x005924b1 rb_vm_const_lookup_level + 321
    12  MyApp                              0x0043e843 vm_get_const + 227
    13  MyApp                              0x0044657b rb_scope3 + 59
    14  MyApp                              0x004464be rb_scope2 + 126
    15  MyApp                              0x004463bb rb_scope1 + 123
    16  MyApp                              0x00449450 MREP_212DF469D2274B6CAD5761CFB0AD300B + 2432
    17  MyApp                              0x00003281 RubyMotionInit + 2465
    18  MyApp                              0x0000339d main + 109
    19  libdyld.dylib                      0x03738725 start + 0
    20  ???                                0x00000001 0x0 + 1
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NameError

Also, I'm using ruby 1.9.3-p392

jamonholmgren commented 9 years ago

Could be related to Try gem locking cocoapods to 0.33.1 and see if it fixes the problem.

gem "cocoapods", "0.33.1"
dunghopper commented 9 years ago

That worked, kind of. It took me a minute to realize I had to re-install my pods after locking the cocoapods version... but after doing so, the app builds and runs without a name error.

BUT, after adding a class inheriting from PM::Menu::Drawer (based on the Readme example code) NameError is back! But a different one this time: uninitialized constant ProMotion::Menu::Drawer (NameError)

Here is app/menu_drawer.rb

class MenuDrawer < PM::Menu::Drawer

  def setup = true)
    self.right = NavigationScreen
    self.to_show = [:tap_nav_bar, :pan_nav_bar]
    self.max_right_width = 250

dunghopper commented 9 years ago

Aha, like I said I'm new to RubyMotion. I didn't realize it was so prone to load-order problems. Rearranging app.files in my Rakefile to ensure gems get loaded before my app code fixed the new problem.

jamonholmgren commented 9 years ago

I don't actually set app.files in my Rakefile for apps. I set app.detect_dependencies = true which usually works. Can you post the relevant part(s) of your Rakefile? You might be doing stuff you don't need to.

markrickert commented 9 years ago

You can also set dependencies for specific files... "foo depends on bar".

app.files_dependencies 'app/bar.rb' => 'app/foo.rb'
dunghopper commented 9 years ago

Here is my Rakefile:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
require 'motion/project/template/ios'

  require 'bundler'
rescue LoadError

Motion::Project::App.setup do |app| = 'MyApp'
  app.version = "0.1"
  app.short_version = "0.1"

  app.detect_dependencies = true # This still gets the load order wrong, leading to NameErrors
  # app.files = ( { |f| f =~ /\/lib\// } + app.files).uniq # << This works

(The app.detect_dependencies option didn't work.)

jamonholmgren commented 9 years ago

I think this is a bug. Can you open a new issue?

dunghopper commented 9 years ago

@jamonholmgren : Do you want me to open a new issue here? Or are you saying it looks like the detect_dependencies misbehavior is a bug in RubyMotion?

jamonholmgren commented 9 years ago

New issue here...which you did with #38 . Thanks!