Closed hiheaven closed 6 years ago
Does adb reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090
when do : "adb reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090" get : "error: closed"
do: adb devices get: List of devices attached device
Maybe it's this on your computer?
adb -s reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090
I don't use genymotion, so I can't tell you for sure.
I know it used to work but it relies on a specific network address, so if your NAT isn't set up on Genymotion, it may cause problems.
Judging from your log files, it looks like that might be it though.
hi Shellock, thanks for your help.
I did : adb -s reverse tcp:9090 tcp:9090 get: "error: closed"
don't know that that means!
me either. is your emulator up & running? is it running android 5 or higher?
i only have "Google galaxy Nexus 4.1.1 API 16 - 720x1280" as the simulator
adb reverse
is only available on Android 5 and up. You should be able to put the host in your configure block and connect directly though. Give that a shot.
sorry, but what it the name of the configure block file? I tried to find , but can't. thanks
Min your source code wherever you setup reactotron you call the configure function. Pass in the host key with your computers ip.
Closing due to inactivity. If you're still stuck, can you post some code online so I can look? Thanks!
Can you speak Chinese? I need your help. Please reply as soon as possible
I am new to android development. Bought an app and they say app is already configured with reactotron and ready to go. But I can't connect .
import React from 'react'; import {AsyncStorage} from 'react-native' import {Images, Constants} from '@common'; import Expo, {Font} from 'expo'; import RootRouter from './src/Router'; import Reactotron from 'reactotron-react-native' import './ReactotronConfig' import {Provider, connect} from 'react-redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import reducers from '@redux'; import {createStore, compose, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'; import {persistStore} from 'redux-persist' import {PersistGate} from 'redux-persist/es/integration/react'
let store = null; const middleware = [thunk];
if (DEV) { if (Constants.useReactotron) { store = Reactotron.createStore(reducers, {}, applyMiddleware(...middleware)); } else { const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose; store = composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(...middleware))(createStore)(reducers);
} else { store = compose(applyMiddleware(...middleware))(createStore)(reducers); }
let persistor = persistStore(store)
export default class App extends React.Component {
import Reactotron from 'reactotron-react-native' import { reactotronRedux as reduxPlugin } from 'reactotron-redux'
console.disableYellowBox = true console.ignoredYellowBox = ['Warning:
wrap``'];Reactotron.configure({name: 'MStore'})
Reactotron.useReactNative({ asyncStorage: { ignore: ['secret'] } })
console.tron = Reactotron
import React from 'react';
import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native'; import ReduxWrapper from './src/ReduxWrapper';
AppRegistry.registerComponent('mstore', () => ReduxWrapper);
When i did "react-native run-android", get this, but the app comes up OK: ... BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 7s 179 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 178 up-to-date Running C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk/platform-tools/adb -s reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 error: closed Could not run adb reverse: Command failed: C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk/platform-tools/adb -s reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 Starting the app on (C:\Users\ASUS\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk/platform-tools/adb -s shell am start -n com.inspireui.mstore/com.inspireui.mstore.MainActivity)... Starting: Intent { cmp=com.inspireui.mstore/.MainActivity }