Open JivanRoquet opened 3 years ago
Hi! You are correct, something like MVar
would be needed (or IORef
if you're not sending values between threads). I believe this is by design.
May I suggest, however, an API that would be of a more natural fit for this if you intend to make a slow streaming HTTP response
Another alternative is to use websockets or similar alternatives which are designed to keep the connection open and "push" events to client.
Hello! At first let me thank you for the request. Unfortunately I'm not sure if we can provide API in the library that will fit generic case. There are way too many internal details that can be solved in different ways.
However let me suggest an alternative approach that allows to solve your problem while being more effective and you can have more control on what is going on (pseudo-code still):
myhandler :: TChan ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
myhandler ch msg = atomically $ writeTChan ch msg
onInitialComplete :: IO ()
onInitialComplete = putStrLn "Redis acknowledged that mychannel is now subscribed"
main :: IO ()
main = do
conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo
ch <- newBroadcastTChan
pubSubCtrl <- newPubSubController [("mychannel", myhandler ch)] []
concurrently ( forever $
pubSubForever conn pubSubCtrl onInitialComplete
`catch` (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
putStrLn $ "Got error: " ++ show e
threadDelay $ 50*1000) -- TODO: use exponential backoff
) $ scotty 8080 $ myEndpoint ch
myEndpoint :: TChan ByteString -> ScottyM ()
myEndpoint ch =
post "/hello/world" $ do
data :: MyData <- jsonData
activeChan <- atomically $ cloneTChan ch
response <- atomically $ readTChan activeChan
json $ doSomethingWith response
what is happening here:
Would this approach work for you?
First of all, many thanks for the work done on Hedis.
I have one interrogation though. I'd make good use of a
function that is able to return a received message.An example of usage might be (kind of pseudo-code):
To the best of my knowledge, such a scenario currently requires making use of
. Is there any conceptual limitation that prevents an implementation working as suggested above, or would it be feasible in theory?