innovationOUtside / tm351vm-binder

See if we can generate a Binder/repo2docker build of the TM351 VM
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Accessing the PostgreSQL server from VS Code on host #26

Open psychemedia opened 4 years ago

psychemedia commented 4 years ago

Wondering: can we access the postgres server from VS Code on host using the VS Code postgres extension?

Seems like we can if we relax the security settings on the Postgres server.

The server config file can be found via: find $CONDA_DIR -name "postgresql.conf"

To make the postgres server wide open (for initial testing, for example), we can configure it to accept requests from anywhere by adding the following to /srv/conda/srv/pgsql/postgresql.conf. This means changing the default listen_addresses='localhost' (and uncommenting it by removing the leading # if it is commented out) as follows:

# nano $CONDA_DIR/srv/pgsql/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses='*' #Allow all incoming addresses

We also need to add a line to the pg_hba.conf file:

# nano $CONDA_DIR/srv/pgsql/pg_hba.conf
host all  all  md5

The following may do the above from Jupyter terminal?

echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> $CONDA_DIR/srv/pgsql/postgresql.conf
echo "host all  all  md5" >> $CONDA_DIR/srv/pgsql/pg_hba.conf

Or maybe (not sure about the quotes!) something like: find $CONDA_DIR -name "postgresql.conf" -exec sh -c "echo listen_addresses='*' >> {}" \; and find $CONDA_DIR -name "postgresql.conf" -exec sh -c "echo 'host all all md5' >> {}" \;

Or perhaps use eg sed to update current/default rules?

After editing files, the docker container will need restarting: docker restart tm351VCE. (Actually, it needs running with an additional port, eg -p 35181:5432 in the original run command, which will mean killing and removing the containing and issuing a new docker run command with the additional port specified, unless we can attach additional ports to the running container or via the restart?).

Using credentials localhost, 35181, user tm351admin and password tm351admin then gives us sight into the database from VS Code:


We should probably look at finding a way to easily tighten security back up to only allow requests coming in from the host IP address, or the student's local netwrok if they are running the TM351VCE as a network server on their home network.