inocan-group / vue3-google-map

A set of composable components for easy use of Google Maps in your Vue 3 projects.
MIT License
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Hope that only one InfoWindow will be displayed at a time when multiple markers are bound to InfoWindow #294

Closed deidei1231 closed 4 days ago

deidei1231 commented 4 days ago
<AdvancedMarker v-for="item in useStore.getUserGpsData" :key=""
                    :options="{position: handleGpsLocation(item), content: createMarkerHtml(item)}"
          :options="{ content: infoWindowContent(item), headerContent: 'User Information'}"
<!--        <InfoWindow `ref="infoWindowEl"/>-->

Every time I click on a marker, an InfoWindow is added. If I define a InforWindow in a subcomponent of GoogleMap and obtain it through the ref of vue3, the Elements obtained at this time are only open() and close(), but there is no native setPosition() method. I cannot implement the only InforWindow component.


So i hope that only one InfoWindow will be displayed at a time when multiple markers are bound to InfoWindow. Keep only the last one