insightsengineering / teal

Exploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trial Data
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[Feature Request]: Option to Hide "Snapshot Manager" and "Global Filters" Buttons #1339

Open dennison-hall opened 2 months ago

dennison-hall commented 2 months ago

Feature description

Description: I am a developer on the Data Quality Oversight Tool (DQOT) and we are requesting an option to hide the "Snapshot Manager" and "Global Filters" buttons in the application.

Reason: The term "Snapshot" is causing some confusion among our end-users, who associate it with a specific data snapshot. However, our application undergoes continuous data refreshes. To avoid this confusion for the time-being, we would like to hide these buttons temporarily. Could you be so kind as to provide us with the guidance on how to do it?

We could also propose, that another names are considered in the future for that, for instance: "Filter snapshot", "Saved filter state", "Bookmarked filters" or "Personalized filters" or something like that.

Additionally, we would like to thank the team for this new functionality as we feel it will bring a lot of value for our use case. It is only the name which is causing confusion among our users; the functionality itself is great!

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donyunardi commented 2 months ago

For short-term solution, you can inject JS in init(header)argument to hide the buttons.


app <- init(
  data = teal_data(
    iris = iris
  modules = modules(
    example_module(label = "my module")
  title = "my teal app",
  header = tagList(
    h1("My Teal App"),

shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)
