inspired / cisco_ios

Cisco Networks
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NX/OS - Extraction of software_version from Cisco Call Home #2

Closed guilhemmarchand closed 6 years ago

guilhemmarchand commented 8 years ago


Currently, the software_version fails from being extracted for NX/OS devices, adding the following field alias in props.conf of your Cisco addon does the job:



FIELDALIAS-sch_fields-100 = "soap-env:Envelope.soap-env:Body.aml-block:Block.aml-block:Header.aml-block:Builder.aml-block:Version" AS software_version

According to your configuration, i have arbitrary choose a "sh_fields-100" name.

Thank you !


inspired commented 8 years ago

Hi, I implemented this as:

EVAL-software_version = mvappend('', 'soap-env:Envelope.soap-env:Body.aml-block:Block.aml-block:Header.aml-block:Builder.aml-block:Version')

Could you please test commit 2e40486e603718ac16d4903a6ee12267604c4018?

guilhemmarchand commented 8 years ago

Hi, thank you !

This will be tested today, will update as soon as possible.