instill-ai / instill-core

๐Ÿ”ฎ Instill Core is a full-stack AI infrastructure tool for data, model and pipeline orchestration, designed to streamline every aspect of building versatile AI-first applications
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Instill Hacktoberfest 2023 ๐ŸŽƒ #650

Open xiaofei-du opened 9 months ago

xiaofei-du commented 9 months ago

Instill Hacktoberfest 2023 ๐ŸŽƒ

hacktoberfest 2023

Welcome to the Instill AI x Hacktoberfest 2023! In this blog post, we will guide you on participating in this exciting event and making the most of your contributions. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a beginner looking to get involved, we have something for everyone. So let's dive in and discover how you can join the Hacktoberfest fun!

Win Instill Swags

Participate to Get Digital Stickers

By sharing/reposting our event on social media, you'll earn Instill Digital Stickers.

Contribute to Win Swag Package

Participants whose credits rank in the TOP 30% will receive an Instill AI swag package, which includes Instill Physical Stickers, and Instill Bottle or Mug.


Hackathon Guidelines

There are three primary ways to contribute and accumulate credits:


We have specific guidelines for each. Let's take a closer look:

Issue Contributing Hackathon

Join the Issue Contributing Hackathon by following these steps:

  1. Choose an issue from our Community repository that you want to work on.
  2. Leave a comment on the issue to indicate your interest in working on it. Our team at Instill AI will assign it to you.
  3. After PR is sent and accepted, make sure to submit the Google Form here to claim your credits. (Please submit multiple times for each task you complete)

Guidelines for Issue Contributing Hackathon

When participating in the Issue Contributing Hackathon, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Here are the meanings of issue or PR labels:


Pipeline Sharing Hackathon

To participate in the Pipeline Sharing Hackathon, follow these steps:

  1. Create an application using VDP (Virtual Data Pipeline).
  2. Share your pipeline on social media to earn 30 credits. (20 credits extra if includes GIF/video)
  3. Submit your sharing/tutorial using the Google form here to ensure our team reviews your submission. (Please submit multiple times for each task you complete)

Guidelines for Pipeline Sharing Hackathon


Video / Blog Tutorials Hackathon

To participate in the Video/Blog Tutorials Hackathon, follow these steps:

  1. Complete Pipeline Sharing Hackathon
  2. Create an end-to-end tutorial (video or blog) demonstrating how to use VDP (Virtual Data Pipeline) to create an application.
  3. Share your tutorial on the platform of your choice and provide a brief description.
  4. Submit your sharing/tutorial using the Google form here to ensure our team reviews your submission. Remember, the tutorial must be in English and all content must be original. (Please submit multiple times for each task you complete)

Guidelines for Creating Video Tutorials

If you choose to create a video tutorial, follow these guidelines:

Guidelines for Creating Blog Tutorials

For those who prefer writing, here are the guidelines for creating blog tutorials:


Steps to Participate


Hackathon Best Practices

To maximize your experience in the Instill AI x Hacktoberfest, we recommend following these best practices:

Helpful Resources

To get started, check out these helpful resources:

Frequently Asked Questions

If you ever have any questions, don't worry, we've got you covered right here!

When is the hackathon taking place?

What if I am interested in working on many issues?

Feel free to dedicate as many issues as you'd like. However, please remember that a contributor or team can only work on ONE issue at a time.

What if I submit multiple video/blog tutorials?

You are welcome to submit multiple videos or tutorials, and the credits will add up!

Can two or more people collaborate on the same project?

Absolutely! Collaboration is encouraged. However, only one person can submit the final project. If your team wins, the prize will be awarded to the individual who submitted the project.

How can I create a video tutorial?

We recommend using QuickTime Player on your Mac or Screen Studio for screen recording due to its high-quality output. Avoid using Loom, as it may produce pixelated videos.

How will the top 30% of contributors be notified?

The top 30% of contributors will be contacted via email using the address provided when submitting their projects. Additionally, we will announce the top contributors in the Instill AI newsletter.

We hope this blog post has provided you with all the information you need to participate in the Instill AI x Hacktoberfest. Get ready to showcase your skills, collaborate with other talented developers, and make a lasting impact on the world of technology. Happy hacking!

Closing Words

With the Instill AI x Hacktoberfest, you have the opportunity to contribute to awesome projects, enhance your skills, and earn exciting swags.

Don't miss out on this chance to join this vibrant community and make a difference. Visit our open issues and start your Hacktoberfest journey today!

ravindu9802 commented 8 months ago

Hey, @xiaofei-du , I want to work on this. Can you assign this to me?