intel / ScalableVectorSearch
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Reproduce LVQ and Leanvec speedup #55

Open hugy718 opened 4 days ago

hugy718 commented 4 days ago

Hi, I am using the cpp example in the documentation with the test dataset svs/data/test_dataset, but LVQ and Leanvec indexes takes longer to complete the search. Can anyone help me to check what may have caused this issue?

running lvq8 vs uncompressed:

//! [Example All]

//! [Includes]
// SVS Dependencies
#include "svs/orchestrators/vamana.h"  // bulk of the dependencies required.
#include "svs/core/recall.h"           // Convenient k-recall@n computation.
#include "svs/extensions/vamana/lvq.h" // LVQ extensions for the Vamana index.

// Alternative main definition
#include "svsmain.h"

// stl
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
//! [Includes]

const std::string save_prefix = "index/";

//! [Helper Utilities]
double run_recall(
    svs::Vamana& index,
    const svs::data::SimpleData<float>& queries,
    const svs::data::SimpleData<uint32_t>& groundtruth,
    size_t search_window_size,
    size_t num_neighbors,
    std::string_view message = ""
) {
    auto search_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto results =, num_neighbors);
    auto search_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

    double recall = svs::k_recall_at_n(groundtruth, results, num_neighbors, num_neighbors);
    if (!message.empty()) {
        fmt::print("[{}] ", message);
    auto duration = std::chrono::duration<double>(search_end - search_start).count();
    fmt::print("Windowsize = {}, Duration = {}, Recall = {}\n", search_window_size,  duration, recall);
    return recall;

const bool DEBUG = false;
void check(double expected, double got, double eps = 0.001) {
    double diff = std::abs(expected - got);
    if constexpr (DEBUG) {
        fmt::print("Expected {}. Got {}\n", expected, got);
    } else {
        if (diff > eps) {
            throw ANNEXCEPTION("Expected ", expected, ". Got ", got, '!');
//! [Helper Utilities]

// Alternative main definition
int svs_main(std::vector<std::string> args) {
    //! [Argument Extraction]
    const size_t nargs = args.size();
    if (nargs != 4) {
        throw ANNEXCEPTION("Expected 3 arguments. Instead, got ", nargs, '!');
    const std::string& data_vecs =;
    const std::string& query_vecs =;
    const std::string& groundtruth_vecs =;
    //! [Argument Extraction]

    // Building the index

    //! [Build Parameters]
    auto parameters = svs::index::vamana::VamanaBuildParameters{
        1.2,  // alpha
        64,   // graph max degree
        128,  // search window size
        1024, // max candidate pool size
        60,   // prune to degree
        true, // full search history
    //! [Build Parameters]

    //! [Index Build]
    auto uncompressed_build_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    size_t num_threads = 12;
    svs::Vamana index = svs::Vamana::build<float>(
        parameters, svs::VectorDataLoader<float>(data_vecs), svs::DistanceL2(), num_threads
    auto uncompressed_build_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    printf("Uncompressed build time = %.6f\n", std::chrono::duration<double>(uncompressed_build_end - uncompressed_build_start).count());
    //! [Index Build]

    // Searching the index

    //! [Load Aux]
    // Load the queries and ground truth.
    auto queries = svs::load_data<float>(query_vecs);
    auto groundtruth = svs::load_data<uint32_t>(groundtruth_vecs);
    //! [Load Aux]

    //! [Perform Queries]
    auto recall = run_recall(index, queries, groundtruth, 30, 10, "Uncompressed");
    //! [Perform Queries]

    //! [Saving] save_prefix+"example_config",  save_prefix+"example_graph",  save_prefix+"example_data");
    //! [Saving]

    // Reloading a saved index

    //! [Loading]
    // We can reload an index from a previously saved set of files.
    index = svs::Vamana::assemble<float>(
        svs::GraphLoader( save_prefix+"example_graph"),
        svs::VectorDataLoader<float>( save_prefix+"example_data"),
        4 // num_threads

    recall = run_recall(index, queries, groundtruth, 30, 10, "Reload");
    printf("Recall = %f\n", recall);
    //! [Loading]

    // Search using vector compression

    //! [Compressed Loader]
    // Quantization
    size_t padding = 32;
    namespace lvq = svs::quantization::lvq;

    // Wrap the compressor object in a lazy functor.
    // This will defer loading and compression of the LVQ dataset until the threadpool
    // used in the index has been created.
    auto compressor = svs::lib::Lazy([=](svs::threads::ThreadPool auto& threadpool) {
        auto data = svs::VectorDataLoader<float, 128>( save_prefix+"example_data").load();
        return lvq::LVQDataset<8, 0, 128>::compress(data, threadpool, padding);
    index = svs::Vamana::assemble<float>(
         save_prefix+"example_config", svs::GraphLoader( save_prefix+"example_graph"), compressor, svs::DistanceL2()
    //! [Compressed Loader]

    //! [Search Compressed]
    recall = run_recall(index, queries, groundtruth, 30, 10, "Compressed Load");
    printf("Recall = %f\n", recall);
    //! [Search Compressed]

    //! [Build Index Compressed]
    // Compressed building
    auto compressed_build_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    index =
        svs::Vamana::build<float>(parameters, compressor, svs::DistanceL2(), num_threads);
    auto compressed_build_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    printf("Compressed build time = %.6f\n", std::chrono::duration<double>(compressed_build_end - compressed_build_start).count());
    recall = run_recall(index, queries, groundtruth, 30, 10, "Compressed Build");
    auto compressed_search_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    //! [Build Index Compressed]

    //! [Save Index Compressed] save_prefix+"example_compressed_config",  save_prefix+"example_compressed_graph",  save_prefix+"example_compressed_data");
    //! [Save Index Compressed]

    //! [Loading compressed]
    // We can reload an index from a previously saved set of files.
    index = svs::Vamana::assemble<float>(
        save_prefix + "example_compressed_config",
        svs::GraphLoader(save_prefix + "example_compressed_graph"),
        // svs::VectorDataLoader<float>(save_prefix + "example_compressed_data"),
        svs::lib::Lazy([&]() {
            return svs::lib::load_from_disk<svs::quantization::lvq::LVQDataset<
                8, 0>>(save_prefix + "example_compressed_data");
        4  // num_threads
    recall = run_recall(index, queries, groundtruth, 30, 10, "Load compressed");
    printf("Recall = %f\n", recall);
    //! [Loading compressed]

    return 0;

// Special main providing some helpful utilties.
//! [Example All]

// ./vamana ../svs/data/test_dataset/data_f32.fvecs ../svs/data/test_dataset/queries_f32.fvecs ../svs/data/test_dataset/groundtruth_euclidean.ivecs

runing leanvec

//! [Example All]


//! [Includes]
// SVS Dependencies
// #include "svs/leanvec/leanvec.h"
#include "svs/extensions/vamana/leanvec.h"

#include "svs/core/recall.h"            // Convenient k-recall@n computation.
#include "svs/extensions/vamana/lvq.h"  // LVQ extensions for the Vamana index.
#include "svs/orchestrators/dynamic_vamana.h"  // bulk of the dependencies required.

// Alternative main definition
#include "svsmain.h"

// stl
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
//! [Includes]

const std::string save_prefix = "index/";

// Alternative main definition
int svs_main(std::vector<std::string> args) {
  //! [Argument Extraction]
  const size_t nargs = args.size();
  if (nargs != 4) {
    throw ANNEXCEPTION("Expected 3 arguments. Instead, got ", nargs, '!');
  const std::string& data_vecs =;
  const std::string& query_vecs =;
  const std::string& groundtruth_vecs =;
  //! [Argument Extraction]

  //! [Build Parameters]
  auto parameters = svs::index::vamana::VamanaBuildParameters{
      1.2,   // alpha
      64,    // graph max degree
      128,   // search window size
      1024,  // max candidate pool size
      60,    // prune to degree
      true,  // full search history
  size_t num_threads = 4;
  //! [Build Parameters]

  auto data_vecs_ = svs::load_data<float>(data_vecs);
  //! [Load Aux]
  // Load the queries and ground truth.
  auto queries = svs::load_data<float>(query_vecs);
  auto groundtruth = svs::load_data<uint32_t>(groundtruth_vecs);
  //   print the dimension
  fmt::print("Data count: {}\n", data_vecs_.size());                    // 10000
  fmt::print("Data dimension: {}\n", data_vecs_.dimensions());          // 128
  fmt::print("Queries count: {}\n", queries.size());                    // 1000
  fmt::print("Queries dimension: {}\n", queries.dimensions());          // 128
  fmt::print("Groundtruth count: {}\n", groundtruth.size());            // 1000
  fmt::print("Groundtruth dimension: {}\n", groundtruth.dimensions());  // 100
  //! [Load Aux]

  std::vector<size_t> ids;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

  //! [Search Parameters]
  auto search_params = svs::index::vamana::VamanaSearchParameters();
  //! [Search Parameters]

  bool use_pca = true;  // they only support loading pre-generated OOD matrices

  auto leanvec_data =
                                svs::leanvec::UsingLVQ<8>, 64,
                                svs::Dynamic>::reduce(data_vecs_, num_threads);

  auto loader = svs::lib::Lazy([&leanvec_data]() { return leanvec_data; });

  // Building the index with original vectors
    auto build_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto index = svs::Vamana::build<float>(parameters, loader,
                                           svs::DistanceL2(), num_threads);
    auto build_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    printf("Build time = %.6f\n",
           std::chrono::duration<double>(build_end - build_start).count());

      auto search_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      auto results =, 10);
      auto search_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      printf("Search time = %.6f\n",
             std::chrono::duration<double>(search_end - search_start).count());

      double recall = svs::k_recall_at_n(groundtruth, results);
      fmt::print("Recall = {}\n", recall);
    //! [Saving] + "example_config", save_prefix + "example_graph",
               save_prefix + "example_data");
    //! [Saving]

  // Reloading a saved index
  // We can reload an index from a previously saved set of files.
    auto reloaded = svs::Vamana::assemble<float>(
        save_prefix + "example_config",
        svs::graphs::SimpleBlockedGraph<uint32_t>::load(save_prefix +
        svs::lib::Lazy([&]() {
          return svs::lib::load_from_disk<svs::leanvec::LeanDataset<
              svs::leanvec::UsingLVQ<8>, svs::leanvec::UsingLVQ<8>, 64,
              svs::Dynamic>>(save_prefix + "example_data");
        4  // num_threads
    auto search_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto results =, 10);
    auto search_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    printf("Reload search time = %.6f\n",
           std::chrono::duration<double>(search_end - search_start).count());

    double recall = svs::k_recall_at_n(groundtruth, results);
    fmt::print("Recall = {}\n", recall);

  return 0;

// Special main providing some helpful utilties.
//! [Example All]

// ./leanvec ../svs/data/test_dataset/data_f32.fvecs ../svs/data/test_dataset/queries_f32.fvecs ../svs/data/test_dataset/groundtruth_euclidean.ivecs

Measured search duration

Uncompressed build time = 0.972131
[Uncompressed] Windowsize = 30, Duration = 0.006569277, Recall = 0.8218
[Reload] Windowsize = 30, Duration = 0.006516681000000001, Recall = 0.8218
Recall = 0.821800
[Compressed Load] Windowsize = 30, Duration = 0.029918565, Recall = 0.822
Recall = 0.822000
Compressed build time = 5.918356
[Compressed Build] Windowsize = 30, Duration = 0.035164214, Recall = 0.8215
[Load compressed] Windowsize = 30, Duration = 0.040216505, Recall = 0.8215
Recall = 0.821500
Data count: 10000
Data dimension: 128
Queries count: 1000
Queries dimension: 128
Groundtruth count: 1000
Groundtruth dimension: 100
Build time = 4.987378
Search time = 0.132416
Recall = 0.3101
Reload search time = 0.129005
Recall = 0.3101

Search duration: Leanvec > lvq > uncompressed ?

Build flags:

# building svs
# for the executable
g++-11 -Ofast -lrt -std=c++2a -DHAVE_CXX0X -march=native -fpic -w -fopenmp -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=0 -I. -I$(HOME)/intel/oneapi/mkl/2024.0//include -I$(HOME)/lvq/install/include -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL -I$(HOME)/lvq/install/include/eve-2022.9.1 -DSVS_VERSION_MAJOR=0 -DSVS_VERSION_MINOR=0 -DSVS_VERSION_PATCH=3 -DSVS_ENABLE_NUMA=0 -DSVS_CHECK_BOUNDS=1 -DSVS_INITIALIZE_LOGGER=1 vamana.cpp -o vamana -I. -L$(HOME)/lvq/install/lib -l:libfmt.a -l:libspdlog.a -pthread -lm -fopenmp -L$(HOME)/intel/oneapi/mkl/2024.0/lib/ -lmkl_rt
marianotepper commented 2 days ago

Thanks for your question! These experiments actually make sense in the context of these experiments.

First, the dataset is very small and everything fits in cache. In that situation, compressing vectors by using quantization or dimensionality reduction will barely yield any gains. Increasing the number of vectors is the first step to simulate any real workload.

Second, the dimensionality is relatively low, with only 128 dimensions. Here, dimensionality reduction might not give you noticeable gains. In most modern use cases, vectors are produced by embedding models that use a high-dimensionality The most common range today is probably 512-1536 dimensions. In this range, you will see a significant improvement from using LeanVec.

Third (and this is related tomy previous point), you are using a random dataset. This statistical distribution has a flat spectra and cannot be easily compressed using linear dimensionality reduction (or can be done while carrying too much loss in search accuracy). The statistical distribution of the vectors produced by embedding models has different characteristics that make it more amenable for reducing the dimensionality.

All in all, if you try a dataset produced by a modern embedding method with more dimensions and containing more vectors, you will then see the right acceleration: LeanVec < LVQ < uncompressed.