Open shingen75 opened 1 year ago
I have exactly the same problem.
I also have Windows-version of oneAPI 2023.2 installed and integrated with Visual Studio - in case if there can be some probable conflict with it.
I just wanted to note that I cloned and compiled newer version of DPC++ ( and it works with CUDA backend, although many SYCL-programs don't work, as I mentioned there:
Please ensure you have a supported version of windows for cuda: as listed here:
22H2 is not marked as supported but 22H2-SV2 is
Able to build the clang with cuda backend with CUDA version 11.6 and 12.2 ,however, I am not able to run the compiled sample.
I have reported the same report earlier with a different hardware configuration and different Windows version. The bug report for that bug report is
NOTE : Compiling to target CPU works ( clang++ -fsycl simple-sycl-app.cpp -o simple-sycl-app.exe and the ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR is not set )
To Reproduce The simple-sycl-app.cpp described in the getting started document is used.
Compile and run command:
set PATH=%DPCPP_HOME%\llvm\build_cuda\install\bin;%PATH% set LIB=%DPCPP_HOME%\llvm\build_cuda\install\lib;%LIB% clang++ -fsycl -fsycl-targets=nvptx64-nvidia-cuda simple-sycl-app.cpp -o simple-sycl-app.exe set ONEAPI_DEVICE_SELECTOR=cuda:* set SYCL_PI_TRACE=-1 simple-sycl-app.exe
Result: ---> DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH pi_win_proxy_loader.dll ---> DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH pi_opencl.dll ---> DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH pi_level_zero.dll ---> DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH syclx.dll SYCL_PI_TRACE[all]: Check if plugin is present. Failed to load plugin: pi_cuda.dll SYCL_PI_TRACE[all]: Check if plugin is present. Failed to load plugin: pi_unified_runtime.dll
Driver Version: 536.67 CUDA : NVIDIA CUDA 12.2.128 and 11.6 both attempted
Windows SDK -Version 10.0.19041.0