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Error running launch file multiple cameras with leading zero's as serial number #164

Open cgrain opened 4 years ago

cgrain commented 4 years ago

I tried to launch multiple camera's, and I presumed it would not be much of an hassle. Simply plug in the numbers and it should be all set (Code block 1). However, this string gets silently converted to a double (Note the leading zero's) which is not what was expected, and therefore it crashes. (Code block 2). I tried removing the leading zero's and the quotes (Code block 3), but that resulted in another error, because apparently 00xx != xx (Code block 4). Please note that in Python, leading zero's are not allowed in literals. i.e. default=00xx gives an syntax error and will not run at all.

I am wondering if anybody encountered a similar problem and has a fix.
I am using ROS2-Foxy and the refactor branch on Ubuntu 20.

def generate_launch_description():
    # config the serial number and base frame id of each camera
    camera1_base_frame_id = LaunchConfiguration(
        'base_frame_id', default='camera1_link')
    camera2_base_frame_id = LaunchConfiguration(
        'base_frame_id', default='camera2_link')
    camera1_serial_no = LaunchConfiguration(
        'serial_no', default='017322071690')
    camera2_serial_no = LaunchConfiguration(
        'serial_no', default='001622072049')

    camera1_node = Node(
        parameters=[{'serial_no': camera1_serial_no,
                     'base_frame_id': camera1_base_frame_id}]
    camera2_node = Node(
        parameters=[{'serial_no': camera2_serial_no,
                     'base_frame_id': camera2_base_frame_id}]
    return launch.LaunchDescription([camera1_node, camera2_node])
[INFO] [realsense_node-8]: process started with pid [36898]
[INFO] [realsense_node-9]: process started with pid [36900]
[realsense_node-8] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rclcpp::ParameterTypeException'
[realsense_node-8]   what():  expected [integer] got [double]
[realsense_node-9] terminate called after throwing an instance of 'rclcpp::ParameterTypeException'
[realsense_node-9]   what():  expected [integer] got [double]
[ERROR] [realsense_node-8]: process has died [pid 36898, exit code -6, cmd '/home/riwo-game-pc/ros2_ws/install/realsense_node/lib/realsense_node/realsense_node --ros-args --params-file /tmp/launch_params_ozt8n6_t -r __ns:=/camera1'].
[ERROR] [realsense_node-9]: process has died [pid 36900, exit code -6, cmd '/home/riwo-game-pc/ros2_ws/install/realsense_node/lib/realsense_node/realsense_node --ros-args --params-file /tmp/launch_params_drclna3x -r __ns:=/camera2'].
def generate_launch_description():
    # config the serial number and base frame id of each camera
    camera1_base_frame_id = LaunchConfiguration(
        'base_frame_id', default='camera1_link')
    camera2_base_frame_id = LaunchConfiguration(
        'base_frame_id', default='camera2_link')
    camera1_serial_no = LaunchConfiguration(
        'serial_no', default=17322071690)
    camera2_serial_no = LaunchConfiguration(
        'serial_no', default=1622072049)
    # yada yada yada
[realsense_node-9] [INFO] [1601629749.385466311] []: Device with serial number 001622072049 was found.
[realsense_node-9] [INFO] [1601629749.392884082] []: Device with serial number 017322071690 was found.
[realsense_node-9] [ERROR] [1601629749.393290446] []: The Device with serial number 1622072049 is not found. Please connect it.
cgrain commented 4 years ago

I fixed it by using a terrible fix: At the appropiate place in the c++ code of the realsense node, I plugged in:

   if (serial_no == "42") {
      serial_no = "017322071690"

Which obviously only works for me, and I can't update the package now, anymore. So this is still a bug that needs to be fixed, But a small look at the ticket times shows that a workaround like this is probably the best idea.