intel / trusted-certificate-issuer

Trusted Certificate Service (TCS) is a K8s service to protect signing keys using Intel's SGX technology. K8s CSR and cert-manager CR APIs are both supported. TCS also contains integration samples for Istio service mesh and Key Management Reference Application (KMRA).
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to update finalizer on Secret #59

Closed poussa closed 1 year ago

poussa commented 1 year ago

When following the tutorial at README to create the TCSIssuer on sandbox namespace all is good:

$ kubectl get tcsissuers -n sandbox
my-ca   2m     True    Reconcile   Success

However, when I delete the tcsissuer the logs say:

INFO    controllers.TCSIssuer   Failed to update finalizer on Secret    {"issuer": "", "error": "failed to patch object (sandbox/my-ca-cert) with update finalizer : secrets \"my-ca-cert\" is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:intel-system:tci-tcs-issuer\" cannot patch resource \"secrets\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"sandbox\""}

Thus, the my-ca-cert is not deleted.