interTwin-eu / interlink-slurm-plugin

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Add ENTRYPOINT support #32

Open antoinetran opened 2 days ago

antoinetran commented 2 days ago

Short Description of the issue

When running a container image without /bin/sh inside, then InterLink Slurm Plugin runs the container and fails with

2024/10/15 16:18:29  info unpack layer: sha256:b1b8049e9ec8c6b64203da2c97a5d0d1d68587e6547287797095a519dfb3e39d
INFO:    Creating SIF file...
FATAL:   stat /bin/sh: no such file or directory


Steps to reproduce

Run an Argo helloworld step.

Logs, stacktrace, or other symptoms

singularity exec --containall --nv --bind /home/lisaddpc/.interlink/workflows_workspace/globalfitmock-lsdsharedfs-template-hswtg:/work   --bind /home/lisaddpc/.interlink/argo-workflows-5dbdb82f-cbca-40fa-b2fe-89b9cf5deb9f/emptyDirs/var-run-argo:/var/run/argo:rw  --bind /home/lisaddpc/.interlink/argo-workflows-5dbdb82f-cbca-40fa-b2fe-89b9cf5deb9f/ --bind /home/lisaddpc/.interlink/argo-workflows-5dbdb82f-cbca-40fa-b2fe-89b9cf5deb9f/ docker:// /bin/sh /tmp/ &> /home/lisaddpc/.interlink/argo-workflows-5dbdb82f-cbca-40fa-b2fe-89b9cf5deb9f/init.out; echo $? > /home/lisaddpc/.interlink/argo-workflows-5dbdb82f-cbca-40fa-b2fe-89b9cf5deb9f/init.status
# and same for wait and main container

Summary of proposed changes

antoinetran commented 2 days ago

The InterLink Slurm Plugin requires /bin/sh, I guess because of SingularityPrefix which is a feature documented in InterLink Slurm, which allows to inject a command before the main command. However this prefix is not implemented, but just documented.

I propose to remove this /bin/sh, and the SingularityPrefix, which is not used anyway today, so that singularity calls are done directly with the main command.

dciangot commented 2 days ago

Bin/sh is used to build the command executed by Singularity (that does not know the entrypoints of the containers).

What is your proposal then exactly?

antoinetran commented 1 day ago

I will illustrate my proposition with examples using a docker image that does not contains /bin/sh, but contains one entrypoint but no command:

podman history
ID            CREATED        CREATED BY                                     SIZE        COMMENT
335e6412fad1  9 months ago   ENTRYPOINT ["argoexec"]                        0 B         buildkit.dockerfile.v0

It is a bit simple and complex. Docker image can contain entrypoint and command, only entrypoint, only command, or nothing. Kubernetes yaml can be described to run a container, and override either entrypoint (with "command" field, which is a bit confusing), command (with "args" field), both, nothing.

  1. case no override of entrypoint nor command in kubernetes yaml, then interlink should just run singularity with run argument, which will run the image default entrypoint/command similar to what kubernetes container engine would do.


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: helloworld
  template: # create pods using pod definition in this template
      - name: helloworld
        #command: [ "sleep", "10" ]
podman run --rm
argoexec is the executor sidecar to workflow containers

OCI Container are converted to Singularity SIF with entrypoint/command translated to runscript field: Then singularity run will execute the runscript if present. So to reproduce the same output as podman beyond:

=> this is what InterLink Slurm should run:

singularity run docker://
INFO:    Using cached SIF image
argoexec is the executor sidecar to workflow containers
  1. case only entrypoint is specified in Kubernetes yaml


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: helloworld
  template: # create pods using pod definition in this template
      - name: helloworld
        command: [ "/etc/passwd"]

=> InterLink Slurm should run:

singularity exec docker:// /etc/passwd
INFO:    Using cached SIF image
FATAL:   permission denied

I run a /etc/passwd, which is not an executable, on purpose, to show that we can run something which is not /bin/sh, nor the default command. The "permission denied" is the expected stderr here.

  1. case only command is specified in Kubernetes yaml


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: helloworld
  template: # create pods using pod definition in this template
      - name: helloworld
        #command: [ "argoexec"]
        args: [ "--log-format", "json", "version" ]

=> InterLink Slurm should run:

singularity run docker:// argoexec --log-format json version
INFO:    Using cached SIF image
argoexec: v3.5.4
  1. case entrypoint and command(s) are specified in Kubernetes yaml


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: helloworld
  template: # create pods using pod definition in this template
      - name: helloworld
        command: [ "argoexec"]
        args: [ "--log-format", "json", "version" ]

=> InterLink Slurm should run:

 singularity exec docker:// argoexec --log-format json version
INFO:    Using cached SIF image
argoexec: v3.5.4
  1. case entrypoint and command(s) are specified in Kubernetes yaml in complex way with array and quote


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: helloworld
  template: # create pods using pod definition in this template
      restartPolicy: Never
      - name: helloworld
        image: alpine
          - /bin/sh
          # This "-x" quote is interpreted by yaml, not by bash
          - "-x"
          - "-c"
          - |
            echo "multiline \"script line1"
            echo multiline script line2

If we run this in Kubernetes, we have

multiline "script line1
multiline script line2
+ echo 'multiline "script line1'
+ echo multiline script line2

=> InterLink Slurm should run:

singularity exec docker://alpine /bin/sh -x -c "echo \"multiline \\\"script line1\";echo multiline script line2"
INFO:    Using cached SIF image
+ echo 'multiline "script line1'
multiline "script line1
+ echo multiline script line2
multiline script line2
antoinetran commented 1 day ago

I also tried with image, which contain only command, but no entrypoint. If we reproduce case 3 "case only command is specified in Kubernetes yaml", singularity run can handle the fact that no entrypoint is defined, but only command, well:

singularity run docker:// sh
INFO:    Using cached SIF image

Let me see how to implement all cases, maybe I will do a simple implementation first ^^

antoinetran commented 1 day ago

My implementation suggestion: if kubernetes yaml container specifies a command field (equivalent to entrypoint in docker), then we run singularity exec and append any args if exist. in any other cases, we run singularity run , and append any args if exist.

Note for robustness: any command/args strings must be shell escaped, so I will use GO package, which I already used in interlink, so that any quote or space are interpreted correctly by singularity shell.

dciangot commented 1 day ago

Alright, now it's clear to me, sorry I missed the point before.

That looks great, I'll rename this issue as ENTRYPOINT support

@antoinetran let me know if you need anything from me, or any help.

I'm opening an issue also in the tests to insert an entrypoint only test.

antoinetran commented 1 day ago

Ok I tested with an Argo step, that runs 3 containers: init wait and main. I can see the change in now it is

#SBATCH --job-name=7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967
#SBATCH --output=/home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/job.out
#SBATCH --mem=512
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=3

singularity exec --containall --nv --bind /home/username/.interlink/workflows_workspace/appname-lsdsharedfs-template-dx5fk:/work  --env-file /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/  --bind /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/emptyDirs/var-run-argo:/var/run/argo:rw   docker:// argoexec init --loglevel info --log-format text &> /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/init.out; echo $? > /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/init.status
singularity exec --containall --nv --bind /home/username/.interlink/workflows_workspace/appname-lsdsharedfs-template-dx5fk:/work  --env-file /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/  --bind /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/emptyDirs/var-run-argo:/var/run/argo:rw   --bind /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/emptyDirs/tmp-dir-argo:/tmp:rw   docker:// argoexec wait --loglevel info --log-format text &> /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/wait.out; echo $? > /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/wait.status; sleep 30 &
singularity exec --containall --nv --bind /home/username/.interlink/workflows_workspace/appname-lsdsharedfs-template-dx5fk:/work  --env-file /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/  --bind /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/emptyDirs/var-run-argo:/var/run/argo:rw   docker://[imageXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] /var/run/argo/argoexec emissary --loglevel info --log-format text -- lgfk-cli --workdir=/work --pipeline-run-id=appname-lsdsharedfs-template-dx5fk --servers=nats://my-nats.nats:4222 start-block --input-data=stub1_output_preprocessed_signal.h5 --input-group-configuration-path=/work/stub1_group_configuration.json --block-label=160 --group-label=stub1 --n-steps=1000 --current-iteration=0 --output-checkpoint=/work/stub1_160_mcmc.dump &> /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/main.out; echo $? > /home/username/.interlink/argo-workflows-7cb1283d-85d2-4e49-bd7a-00afe3085967/main.status; sleep 30 &

The hard-coded /bin/sh is now removed. The containers now runs better, but I can see a regression, I think the from issue #27 are making collision. Fixing it now...

antoinetran commented 1 day ago

Fixed, there is now one envfile_[containername].properties per container.