internet-equity / nm-exp-active-netrics

Netrics - Active Measurements of Internet Performance
Apache License 2.0
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netrics result file permissions preclude user dashboard access #104

Closed jesteria closed 2 years ago

jesteria commented 2 years ago

As a beta enrollee, my personal netrics dashboard is no longer able to present my data.

On my device, the permissions of netrics result files has changed, from –

-rw-r--r-- 1 netrics netrics

– to –

-rwx--x--x 1 netrics netrics

The new permissions are surprising, in that the executable bit is unnecessary. More important, the dashboard is no longer permitted to read these files, and as such is unable to share with users their collected data, (its core functionality).

(It's as yet unclear to me when this changed and who is affected.)

jesteria commented 2 years ago

This appears to have been resolved by a change to the collection library :raised_hands:

FYI: On my device I still had to correct past erroneous-permission files in order to get the dashboard working immediately. (If your device has the same issue, you might try the below remediation; or, just wait! …The problem files should eventually be too old for the dashboard to bother with them.)

ubuntu@netrics:~$ \
    find /var/nm/nm-exp-active-netrics/upload/archive/beta/json -perm 711 |
    xargs sudo chmod 644