internet-equity / nm-exp-active-netrics

Netrics - Active Measurements of Internet Performance
Apache License 2.0
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Ping Latency Errors #93

Closed marcwitasee closed 2 years ago

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Multiples devices are experiencing a relatively high volume of Ping Latency errors. See the below list of errors logged on devices.

2022-07-22T09:00:01.951 ERROR {netson} [ping_latency] ping: Temporary failure in name resolution (nm-mngd-20210915-a64ec38c)
2022-07-22T00:35:17.251 ERROR {netson} [ping_latency] ping: connect: Network is unreachable (nm-mngd-20210915-612a3db3)

We should investigate these errors and see if there is anything we can do to resolve them.

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Fix deployed to Wilson

marcwitasee commented 2 years ago

Still seeing some odd ping latency errors (e.g., 3db3).

Here is the output when I run netrics -p on 3db3:

root@wilson:/# ssx 3db3 "netrics -p"
ENV enable: true
['3db3'] negation: False
INFO: using [salt  "nm-mngd-20210915-612a3db3" cmd="netrics -p"] as execution paramenter.

{'total_bytes_consumed': 0, 'ipquery': {'ipv4': '[REDACTED]'}, 'ping_latency': {'google_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'amazon_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'wikipedia_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'youtube_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'facebook_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'tribune_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'suntimes_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'uchicago_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Chicago_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Washington_DC_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Atlanta_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Denver_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Seattle_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Hong_Kong_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Sydney_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Johannesburg_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Tunis_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Paris_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Stockholm_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'Sao_Paulo_error': 'Probe IndexError', 'error': True}}
Consumption UPDATE: 0 of 1214193998 bytes (1.1GiB).
ggmartins commented 2 years ago

Yes, this device, in particular, is unable to send/receive icmp. Not sure, if there's anything I can do about it.